The country is on the verge of the third wave – света World news】 • current information, topics and news


South Korea has recorded the second highest number of new coronavirus infections in 24 hours: 1,132 people, according to the country’s health authorities, cited by Reuters. This is not far from the record set the previous day with 1,241 infected. The incidence of infection is increasing dramatically in nursing homes, churches, and prisons. “The virus spreads whenever and wherever it wants,” the newly appointed Minister of Health Kuon Dok-chol told an interdepartmental meeting in the capital, adding that there were cases of contagion from small gatherings of friends and acquaintances. “We are on the verge of a third wave of infection. Prevention depends on how we spend the New Year holidays,” he said.

Authorities called for all private gatherings to be canceled and for public and religious events to be held online. The government will consider tomorrow another tightening of measures against the spread of the coronavirus, especially in the area of ​​the capital Seoul. This would mean the closure of another 1.2 million stores and commercial establishments, and only those employees who are of key importance for the operation of the respective institutions and companies would be present in their workplaces.

The government has already closed nightclubs, popular karaoke bars and other entertainment venues, ski resorts, and other tourist sites. Restaurants must close at 9 pm for customers and gatherings of more than 4 people are prohibited in the Seoul area.

South Korea has largely managed to curb the small early outbreaks of the infection with extensive testing and close monitoring of the contacts of those infected. However, the government is now being heavily criticized for losing control of the virus due to self-confidence and lack of preparation for the third wave of infection.

South Korea
