Almost 10,000 coronavirus vaccines have arrived, the Minister of Health will be the first to be vaccinated – Bulgaria


Almost 10,000 vaccines against the coronavirus have arrived, the Minister of Health will be the first to be vaccinated

© Nadezhda Chipeva

The first shipment of coronavirus vaccines arrived in Bulgaria. 9750 doses are already stored in the refrigerator of the Sofia Regional Sanitary Inspection. They will be enough to vaccinate almost 5,000 people, since two doses are administered at 21-day intervals. The vaccines were received by the Minister of Health, Kostadin Angelov, who announced that tomorrow he would be the first Bulgarian to be vaccinated. The first phase of vaccination is planned for front-line medical personnel and the number of applicants is increasing. The goal is to vaccinate 70% of the population.

“From now on we start the logistics for the distribution of vaccines in the country. In less than an hour the first ray begins in the direction of Plovdiv and Burgas. Tomorrow the vaccination will begin in three cities: Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas. In other areas this will happen on December 28 and 29. Information materials for Bulgarian doctors and patients also arrived, “Angelov said.

He reported that the number of doctors who want to be vaccinated is increasing and that the ambition of the authorities is to vaccinate 70% of Bulgarians. “Then we will take off our masks, we will start to see each other, to see our loved ones, to go to the theater and to the movies,” Angelov said.

Additional vaccine shipments will be made in January, raising the available doses to 62,500. As available vaccines increase, it will be possible to vaccinate in parallel among different population groups, giving priority to the elderly. The Health Minister explained that I trust the media to convince people to get vaccinated.

The president of the vaccination headquarters, Dr. Krassimir Gigov, explained that everything was fine with the arrival of the vaccines. Gigov said the number of doctors willing to get vaccinated has already reached 45,000, and their number is constantly growing. “We constantly have requests from various structures, the desire for people to get vaccinated is increasing. Vaccinations will be done in hospitals and RHI,” Gigov said.

More on the form and storage of vaccines, read here.
