Gypsies celebrated an unprecedented three-day wedding, aiming for tickets on luxurious sofras VIDEO


Rome hosted a lavish three-day wedding with all its extras, reports The festivities continue as if nothing has happened, and the world is not a global pandemic, but a Europe under lock and key.

Dozens of wedding participants can be seen in the live performances of the party participants, some guests, others just spectators, but one thing is for sure: the people at the celebration are countless on the streets of the town in question.

The party started yesterday with kyuchets at home, and today has obviously been the culmination. On the street in front of the houses and blocks of flats, several large tables were set up and alcohol was poured on them, next to them the bride turned the corners in front of the crowd, and during the first dance a relative of the newlyweds he shot them bills. In other words, it appears that all orders of the Minister of Health have been violated.

We remind you that there was a series of celebrations in Stolipinovo over several days. First, a massive party with gossip, fanfare and 5 musical columns was held on Ostrets street, and a day later the action took place on Elba street where the birth of a baby was celebrated.
