Ukraine to transport vaccines with the world’s largest cargo plane – 【World News】 • current information, topics and news


Ukraine will offer coronavirus vaccine manufacturers its services to transport them to different countries on the world’s largest transport aircraft, the An-225 Mriya. This is what the Ukrainian edition of Glavred writes, quoted by the FOCUS news agency.

This was announced by the head of the country’s parliamentary committee for health, medical care and health insurance, Mikhail Radutsky (from the party “Servant of the People”) in the air of Ukraine 24. “The most powerful aircraft in the world can be equipped with equipment of special maintenance at a temperature of minus 70 and therefore the reception of the vaccine can be accelerated if we deliver this vaccine to other countries … We are going to ask to receive extraordinary quotas for the vaccines ”, said the MP.

He stressed that, according to the agreement signed by the government in the framework of the international initiative COVAX, Ukraine should receive the vaccine in late February and early March. “But today, with the effort of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the president of Ukraine, negotiations are being carried out with the producers, with the presidents of the countries where the producers are located, in order to obtain this vaccine as soon as possible” he explained.

Radutsky added that the government was preparing a proposal for manufacturers such as Pfizer, BioNTech and AstraZeneca to use Ukraine’s Mriya transport plane to transport the vaccine around the world. Earlier, Radutsky said that according to the WHO recommendation to obtain a positive result in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic next year, 50% of the population of Ukraine should be vaccinated.

