Goodbye to Erasmus, Europol and European passports for dogs: what’s changing for Great Britain – Europe



© Associated Press

Days before the end of the period after which Great Britain, which had left the European Union, would have completely separated from it, London and Brussels managed to reach an agreement.

The 1,500-page document saved the two countries from a situation in which there would be no clarity for citizens and businesses on both sides of the English Channel as of January 1.

The text must be published and approved by the parliaments of Great Britain and the EU. Meanwhile, London and Brussels leaders shared the highlights, summarized by Reuters and the BBC.

Trade and employment

From January 1 no duties will be imposed or commercial fees.

Border controls will increase – for example, with security checks or customs declarations. This means more bureaucracy in the transport of goods between the EU and the UK.

There will be no possibility of automatic access to services. on the one hand to the market, on the other, there will be changes in the public procurement regime. There will be changes in the conditions for mobile roaming.

They will not be recognized automatically professional qualifications like those of doctors, nurses and architects. However, there is still partial cooperation in areas such as insurance and health care so that citizens working in the other country can maintain their insured status.

State aid

The European Union wanted UK will adhere to common EU rules for unregulated state aid, but instead the UK will establish its own subsidy scheme and a new government agency will assess whether a particular aid case has distorted the market.


Brussels and London have agreed labor and environmental standards, which they will adhere to, but the EU has failed to enforce its idea of ​​imposing tariffs unilaterally in case of discrepancy between the rules.


To the british visas will be required, if within a period of 180 days it spends more than 90 in the territory of the block, and vice versa (but in other cases no visas will be required).

Border controls are increasing for Brits entering the EU and for EU citizens you will not be able to enter the UK with biometric passports.

They will not be valid either European passports for pets – the documents issued by the veterinarian with official information on the health status of the animals. The purpose of these passports was to facilitate travel between EU countries and the UK (which is why the scheme was created 20 years ago), and today they are also recognized in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand .


Britain already you can make access decisions on your own to your waters. However, fishing in its waters by the EU will be possible for at least 5 and a half years, provided that a quarter of the catch to be “returned” on British ships.

After a period of just over a decade and a half, Britain and the EU will have to renegotiate their access on a regular basis.

Courts and security

Britain already will not be obliged to implement decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Access ends to security services databases, but can be obtained by specific request.

Britain will not be part of Europol, but (similar to the USA) will have representation at the headquarters of the European agency. The European arrest warrant will not apply to Great Britain.


Britain stop being part of the Erasmus program for student exchange. London will have its own plan, “Alan Turing”, which, according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, will include cooperation with “the best universities in the world”.

In the latest version of the program, Erasmus +, there were about 15,000 British students a year out of a total of approximately 200,000 participants. For London, however, the program carries a financial loss due to the large number of European students arriving in the UK.

Britain is still part of the Copernicus program and by Euratom. Great Britain will be an associate member of the program for eight years. “Horizon” EU investigation.
