The Russian candidate for the ownership of “Botev” (Plovdiv) froze the negotiations – Sport


The Russian candidate for the property of


The candidate for owner of the football club “Botev” (Plovdiv) Anton Zingarevich announced that he is freezing negotiations to acquire the majority package of shares of the club. The Russian businessman announced this on the club’s website, specifying that he was not satisfied with the actions of the members of the board of directors of the Botev Association.

You noticed an unethical way of conducting negotiations, unprofessional behavior related to uncoordinated proposals, etc. Today we once again received an official email from the Board of Botev Plovdiv with the relevant requirements, one of which is to again acquire 10% of the shares, which I assume is dictated by the wish of the members themselves, in coordination with your financiers and lawyers. “Zingarevich adds.

“We categorically declare that at this time, receiving this attitude, we are in a position to freeze our future negotiations for the acquisition of the majority stake and investments in PFC Botev (Plovdiv),” he said.

The Russian thanked the municipality of Plovdiv “for the full understanding and assistance provided regarding the general information on the future construction of the Hristo Botev Stadium, as well as for its eventual management with the care of good owners.” He also thanked fans and potential future partners for their support.

In order to obtain the majority stake in PFC Botev (Plovdiv), for almost four months we built our network of specialists, including financiers, lawyers, sports analysts, and we wanted to be as informed as possible about the real situation at the football club. .
We are very happy after the decision of the Board members of Botev Plovdiv that more than 80% supported us in our intention and desire to invest in PFC Botev (Plovdiv), “said the speech.

A few days ago, the association announced that among Zingarevich’s demands was his company to acquire 60% of the club’s shares. You want to enter into a contract for the exclusive use of the emblem by the future owner of a part of the shares during the term of the contract for which the shares will be in it.
