Hope our slave chip won’t work again – opinions, accents, and comments on hot topics


ACTS Post opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive discussion.

Today is the turn of the leader of the “Movement 21” and lawyer Tatiana Doncheva, a member of four parliaments, was a candidate for mayor of Sofia and vice-president of the parliamentary group of the “Coalition for Bulgaria”. In the early 1990s, he worked as a prosecutor in the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office.

The coronavirus surprised everyone and swallowed 2020. Along with it the term “the new normal” was born, with which we must get used to living. But could it be that the coronary crisis has brought us back to some forgotten and more important “old” things?

I’m not sure the coronavirus has brought people back to the “most important” things. He sent them to fear. I don’t see people rethinking their way of life, rearranging priorities, values, and friendships. They are rigid with fear for their lives. Even when they break bans, quarantines and rules, they do so impulsively, without much sense. I really want, despite the problems, to see in people the desire to think more when they watch television, when they follow orders, when they organize their daily life. So it seems to me that the “new normal” should appear to each of us.

With what other events, processes, personalities or scandals will you remember 2020?

I will remember the year of the American elections. Trump refuses to acknowledge the results without providing specific evidence. His actions aim to ignore the institutions and treaties that have survived for centuries, simply because they prevent him from remaining in power. His flirtation with the US military, his ideas of imposing a state of emergency after losing the elections because he considers them unfair, shock me. I was very impressed by the strong opposition of the American justice system to Trump’s attempts to usurp power, including by judges he personally appointed. American democracy turned out to be tough.

What will the development bethen in 2021?

I’m curious, I think reasonable votes will prevail in the Republican Party. It is disastrous for the world that the Great Powers are ruled by madmen and eccentrics. And also of intermediaries who impose on countries like ours to stupid and dependent people in key government positions.

The coronary crisis also marked politics this year. How did the rulers handle it?

Our leaders are facing the coronary crisis as best they can. Our first place in the mortality ranking is the result of your long-term “exercises” in the field of health. No common sense, endless public relations appearances.

2020 was another year of protests. How will you remember them differently, will they leave a more lasting impression than other times and what will it be like?

The protests are a harbinger of the awakening of the people. The moral demands of the people are a sign that it is necessary to completely break with the GERB-adjii way of doing politics. Everything in this party is a division of money and services, which “drowns” or tramples any opposition. Foolish government decisions are being made with serious and long-term consequences for citizens. I hope this is understood by people with political aspirations and ambitions.

2021 will be an election year. Do you expect the current status quo to change and in what direction?

I hope to join forces. I hope to attract people with qualities, vision, knowledge and skills in various areas of public life. This is the biggest guarantee that we will change the status quo in the right direction, namely removing the stray dogs and the mob from power.

Your expectations, hopes, fears for 2021?

My hope is to organize our country, to create clear and favorable prospects for the majority of Bulgarian citizens. The fears? Let the family slave chip not work.
