Prof. Ivo Petrov on vaccines and drugs against Covid-19 – Topics in development


“Thanks to vaccines, billions of people will be saved. I am sure there will be various types of vaccines on the market,” cardiologist Prof. Ivo Petrov said on the air of “Hello, Bulgaria”.

He was adamant that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks. According to the professor, doctors should get vaccinated because that would be responsible behavior.

“The total number of people who have been cured and received some immunity plus those who have been vaccinated will break the chain of infection,” added the cardiologist.

He is convinced that no regulatory body will allow people to receive a vaccine that endangers their health and life.

Prof. Petrov also commented on the drugs used in the treatment of COVID-19. He stressed that the use of prophylactic drugs carries risks.

Several medications with proven antiviral action help, including Remdesevir and Ivermectin. The already known drugs, applied at the right time, help against the coronavirus. However, there is still no exact protocol, ”said the cardiologist.

According to him, in the past difficult year, everyone, including doctors, has learned a lot. “We are going through a catharsis. And despite the many negatives, we will come out stronger, especially in terms of science and knowledge”, concluded the professor.

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