The Ministry of Health released all the information about the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine


The Ministry of Health has published brochures with detailed information on the first coronavirus vaccine, which will be delivered in Bulgaria and whose implementation will begin at the end of this year.

The name of the preparation is Comirnaty concentrate for dispersion by infusion and RNA vaccine against COVID-19 (modified nucleoside), reported Dariknews.

It has been approved by the European Medicines Agency and has been launched urgently by the European Commission in EU countries. With this vaccine, immunization has already started in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.

Bulgaria is now ready to store, distribute and administer the vaccine, which is stored at very low temperatures, below minus 70 degrees. Immunization in the country can begin at weekends, in Sofia the separate area in front of the capital RHI for vaccination against the coronavirus was already shown.

See all the information in the brochure here.
