I consider myself very intelligent, in Bulgaria 98% have no concept of boxing



Kubrat Pulev was born on May 4, 1981 in Sofia. His father Venko is a former Bulgarian champion in super heavyweight boxing. His younger brother Tervel also competes in the pros. He also has three older sisters: Anna, Boryana, and Victoria.

He grew up in the CSKA school. He has more than 300 appearances for the Bulgarian national team. At just 21 years old, he won the oldest boxing tournament in Europe – the Strandja Cup. In 2005, the Cobra won bronze at the World Championship in China and in 2006 it did the same at the European Championship in Plovdiv. He participated in the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and shortly thereafter triumphed as European champion in Liverpool in the over 91 kg category.

He has been in professional boxing since 2009. He has won the IBF international heavyweight title since 2011. He became European heavyweight champion in 2012. He won the No. 1 Athlete award in Bulgaria and in 2013 he was elected Male of the year. He attacked the top of the world twice: in 2014 against Wladimir Klitschko in Hamburg and on December 12 of this year against Anthony Joshua in London. Out of 30 profile matches, there are 28 wins and only 2 losses (in world title matches). Here’s what Pulev said in an interview with his colleagues at Monitor:

“Hello, Kubrat!” Do the emotions subside after the big game with Anthony Joshua or are they still there? And what are they, what do you think of the game to date?

– Emotions … in me, ha ha, no, no. I am calm, stable, powerful and smiling. I accept the game as something completely normal. I have not been a professional athlete since yesterday. Yes, indeed, it was a great game, a great sporting event. I am angry, of course, but in the end it is like that in big sport: one wins, another loses. Since I lost, I could be a winner. I could be the one to win by knockout. And let me tell you, this option was not far off. Turning the cart, however, goes a long way. There is no point in arguing now that everything is over. It would make sense if some things could have been foreseen in advance, but that’s impossible. And since it’s impossible, I’ll just say this: what I was able to do at the time, given all the circumstances we had to go through together as a team on the way to this match, I did. That’s how I saw it, that’s how I felt it, that’s how I acted. These are my decisions, for which I am boldly responsible and I am not ashamed of any of my actions, on the contrary.

– Many people relive important moments in their dreams. Do you dream of your matches? And what do you dream of?

“I’m not dreaming.” Not before the game, not after the game. I always sleep very calm. While I sleep, there are times when I think about things.

– Certainly the fight for the world title was emotional for your whole family. What did your loved ones tell you?

– My closest people are used to the emotions around my matches. For them, the most important thing is to be healthy, to be well both physically and emotionally. They are closer to me and they know that nothing can shake me and that I am concrete. The only ones I have discussed the events with before the battle in London, as well as everything that happened during and after the game, are my brother and the assistant coach and my friend – Frank (editor’s note – Shabani).

– How did you react to the criticism you also received after the game? And is there something that has affected you?

Over and over again I was amazed at how limitless human malice, envy and stupidity are. I consider myself a very intelligent person and I accept malicious comments in the order of things. I realize that all these lower passions and all this rage and aggression that plague people are deeply ingrained in human nature. I was one of those people myself years ago! I could not be offended by the comments of those who are not familiar with boxing as a sport. To my great regret, in Bulgaria 98% of those who dare to boldly criticize boxing matches have no idea, do not even have the slightest idea of ​​how things work in professional boxing. I have arranged so that what moves me, what I notice, is not the negative, on the contrary. I always look for and always find the positive, even when the situation is extremely difficult and seems hopeless. I’m still positive and happy for the people who don’t stop supporting me, for sending me a lot of energy, and for being proud that a Bulgarian stepped into the ring in a heavyweight boxing world title match. These people lived and are living with me every moment before, during and after the game. Because of all of them, I’m still angry that I didn’t win to really thank them for their love. I thank all the people who appreciate my work and effort and realize what it costs me and what it means to reach that level. And people who brutally accuse me of something … I just understand them even better than they do.

– The fact that you contracted the coronavirus was hidden from the public, but your doctor later revealed details that it was not easy. How did you go through this period and how did it affect you? Was there a time when you thought about canceling the game due to illness?

– They were difficult moments, more like decisions and responsibilities! But I won’t comment on my condition before the game. I refuse to do so because I don’t want to come off as a person who justifies the loss. I’ll just say that, for reasons beyond my control, preparing for the most important battle of my career was not up to scratch. I was 50% ready. This is the situation! But I went out and fought as hard as I could. You know my faith. I am a warrior. My spirit is unshakable. I just couldn’t turn down a world title match against Anthony Joshua for the second time. All kinds of thoughts have crossed my mind then and now, but I resist. Follow. There is absolutely no problem, I am incredibly strong!

– He had promised to donate part of the money obtained from the party in the fight against the coronavirus. Will you do it and for what exactly?

– I have helped, I always help and I will continue to help people who need someone to help them out and show them that they are not alone in this world in their pain and struggle for life. Naturally, I check all the charities that I do, because there are many scammers, which is the moral bottom of the human being! Don’t expect me to be public on these topics. However, the truth is that I am one person and I cannot fix the world as much as I want. As before, in the future I will continue to give of myself more than some people deserve, whatever, when and how I can, in the name of this, change Bulgaria at least a little for the better. I don’t need publicity in charity, because for me this is not charity, but pure public relations. I don’t need publicity.

– Do you think you will still have a chance to play for the world title?

– Think! Why not? People know me as a person for whom there are no impossibles. It is very difficult for me to give up the dream in which I believe with all my heart, to which I have dedicated most of my life and which I believe is achievable, even if it seems completely unreal to many people.

– And is there a rival you want to face now?

– Yes! I would love to get back in the ring against Anthony Joshua! That would give me great satisfaction.

– Have you thought about actively participating in management activities?

– Of course I thought, but I don’t find much sense in such a thing, although I dare say I know it perfectly. And I don’t want to win on the boxers’ back. For me, boxing is love! Here I can even share with people that for my match against Huey Fury in Sofia I not only did not take a single lev, but also gave a lot of money for this boxing gala to take place in Bulgaria. You do the math.

– What will Kubrat Pulev do after leaving the ring? Many people predict a political career for you, would you accept this challenge?

“When that time comes, I’ll think about it.” It is still early! Many people associate me with this or that politician, with one or another political party for 1-2 photos with someone, but you know who Kubrat Pulev is! The important thing for Kubrat is not his interest, but the interest of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian people! My greatest wish is that these people live better, and not that one or another political force rob them of their interests. I have refused many parties. That people do not believe the fictions that are published about me in even more fictional sites and newspapers. I urge people to believe and associate information with me only when they hear it coming out of my mouth. For me, Bulgaria is above all! Bulgaria is pride, home, debt to our ancestors and love in its purest and most selfless form.

– What awaits them in 2021? Will we see the big games of Kubrat and Tervel Pulevi again in Bulgaria?

– In the new year, I hope you will experience unique moments of matches with the participation of the Pulevi brothers not only in our country but also abroad. Because Kubrat Pulev has a lot of strength, a lot of energy and he feels very happy. I’ll tell you what: the best is yet to come! I wish health and happy holidays to all Bulgarians and let’s try to be better, more cohesive and socially responsible. Lean more, be more human, and blame and judge less. Let us enter the new year with more confidence in ourselves as Bulgarians, with a pure soul and with an open and loving heart for ourselves and for our homeland Bulgaria!
