Mariana Nikolova: There is no way to celebrate the New Year in hotels | News from Bulgaria and the world


At this stage it is impossible to meet in hotels in the New 2021, only 30% is occupancy in hotels, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova during her inspection in Bansko, BGNES reported.

“I am visiting the resorts for the second time this week. Today I am in Bansko to see how prepared the industry is as to whether the anti-epidemic measures prescribed by the health authorities are being followed and whether the instructions have been introduced into the accommodation places. by my order. ” who are united in terms of ensuring that the measures are observed equally everywhere, “he added.

Nikolova added that in terms of nutrition, it takes place within the limited time of 22 hours, and the ministry also recommended that a shift regimen for nutrition be provided to the industry to avoid overcrowding.

According to her, the situation is monitored every day to see how much the number of people infected with COVID-19 is decreasing and what are the chances of launching the measures after the New Year.

He added that it is the responsibility of RHI and BFSA to verify if the rules are being followed.

We all want to have the opportunity to celebrate the New Year within the usual hours after 10 p.m., especially for the New Year, and for me as a minister, but at this stage there is no such decision, because the image has not yet It allows. If there is an additional solution, it will be discussed by headquarters “, stressed Nikolova.

According to her, self-discipline is very important.

“I don’t want there to be a crowd, they informed us that there is a crowd on the terraces and in places where packaged food and drinks are offered. There are different options to put mini benches where people can sit, rest, relax. they eat, even logs, where they can still lean on, but there cannot be overcrowding, because that implies risks. I won’t allow it, ”he said.

According to her, in addition to the Bulgarians, tourists will also come from the Balkan countries, because it is possible to travel by car through the health corridors.

“We have individual reservations, most of them are and will be made at the last minute. At the moment we have a significant drop of 70%, but I look forward to the holidays given the opportunities that there is time, that is, the weather will allow skiing and have additional reservations “Nikolova concluded.
