Bulgarian doctor in Chicago is one of the first vaccinated against COVID-19 – USA


A Bulgarian doctor in Chicago is among the first to receive the new coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Katya Ilieva says the vaccine gives hope that life will soon return to normal.

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Dr. Katya Ilieva is a personal physician in one of the large Chicago suburbs, where many Bulgarians live. On Monday it is his turn for a coronavirus vaccine, BTV reported.

“I was very happy, very eager. Somehow I was proud that humanity has reached such a technology that this vaccine was made in such a fast time,” Dr. Katya Ilieva told BTV.

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The vaccination lists are organized online. Everyone receives an email when it is their turn. “They beat her very fast, everything passes,” she said, but 10 minutes later Dr. Ilieva had complications.

“I had a little throbbing and my head was spinning, my chest was tightening. I reported this to the nurse and she made me stay another 15 minutes, in the meantime, she was checking my blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and oxygen. All the time my performance was excellent ”, added the doctor.

Soon after, Dr. Ilieva is fine and returns. Of the 800 vaccinated doctors at Dr. Ilieva’s hospital, only three experienced side effects during placement. According to her, confidence in the vaccine will only increase.

“Giving a personal example, and not by chance it starts with the doctors, here it started with the senators, etc. This will give you an example, it will show you, especially since we are still alive after the second vaccination and there are no problems, it will lead to the assumption that it is not so scary, ”said Dr. Katya Ilieva.

For her, vaccination is the beginning of the end of a nightmare called a COVID-19 pandemic. “This vaccine gives me so much hope that I cannot describe it to you and I cannot describe it to all of our compatriots,” he added.

All on the subject:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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