A person accused of laundering BGN 1.6 billion was hiding in Helsinki. The Home Office asks Finland if this is true


So far no European order has been issued. for the arrest of Elizabeth Elena von Messing

His accomplice Dmitry Abramkin claims that the money did not belong to the mafia, but to their clients

Russian Elizabeth Elena von Messing with a Finnish passport, accused of laundering BGN 1.6 billion in Bulgaria, was hiding in Helsinki. The information was received by the National Police, which after receiving the information asked the local authorities if it was true.

In the event that Von Messing is found in Helsinki, the Sofia Court of Appeals will issue a European arrest warrant for the Russian woman, better known in her native St. Petersburg as Elena Skorodumova. This was decided by the magistrates at the next hearing in the case on December 9. He is seen in absentia because he has not been in Bulgaria for almost three years.

The signal of Von Messing’s current whereabouts was sent to the SDVR by his compatriot Dmitry Abramkin. Along with her, he is accused of laundering most of our country.

In September 2017, the two received 10 years in prison each by the Sofia City Court and were detained in the courtroom. In February 2018, however, it became clear that Elena had managed to disappear using a deteriorating health document issued in Germany by a deceased doctor.

Abramkin claims that not only does he know where Elena is, but she even knows

lived in

his dwelling in



1.2 million euros

His property was confiscated with a false signature.

According to him, in addition to a Finnish passport, he also had a Georgian passport, issued in 2010 in the name of Olga Hergiani. He also gave a copy of his passport to the court.

13 years after his arrival in Bulgaria to develop a foreign exchange business, relations between the former partners are strained.

Von Messing has been missing since the beginning of 2018, and Abramkin, who is a lawyer by training, has been under house arrest since May of this year with an electronic bracelet on his leg. Before that, from November 2017 to June 2020, he was in Sofia prison, after spending two months in pre-trial detention for “GM Dimitrov”.

For months, with the permission of the court, he has gone every day to the Sofia Courthouse to read the case. Some of the materials it contains are kept secret due to numerous SANS references.

“There are 500 volumes, one of 300 to 500 sheets, in which there are materials in different languages: Bulgarian, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, English, French, Italian, Swedish. When they presented us with the materials, they gave us 19 seconds in each sheet, ”Abramkin explains, planning to give explanations on January 14 next year, when the next hearing will be at the Sofia Court of Appeal.

“I spent 25% of my life doing this.” When I was arrested, my little boy was half a year old and now he is 13, “said the Russian.

His clash with the Bulgarian justice is not the first of his life. In 2007, it was also investigated in Estonia. And there he developed a currency business. They seized 12 million euros from him, but the case was dropped and then the foreclosure was lifted.

After the problems in Estonia, he decided to move his business to Bulgaria. He was addressed to our country by his compatriot Von Messing, who, like him, is from Saint Petersburg.

She became the owner of Optima Ka, whose office was on Vasil Levski Blvd. in Sofia.

Both were arrested during an action by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the National Security Agency on May 23, 2008 and have been detained for several months.

Investigators found that through a series of fictitious transactions, the capital of St. Petersburg passed through Optima Ka to a company registered in Estonia. Some of the funds were transferred via bank accounts to companies in Cyprus, Dubai and Hong Kong.

Again, according to the researchers, between May 2007 and May 2008, Von Messing’s company received 441 transfers from Russia in euros and dollars for a total value of BGN 1.614 million. At the same time, 3,376 transfers were made to accounts around the world.

According to media reports, the laundered money is linked to the Russian mafia and, in particular, to the Tambov criminal group. A curious detail is that Von Messing’s second husband is Andrei Ruslanovich Hloev-Homeless, a legend in the underground of Saint Petersburg in the 90s of the last century.

The homeless man was especially close to the leader of the Tambov group, Vladimir Kumarin. In 2008, Chloev fought in South Ossetia, but by then he was already divorced from Von Messing.

“If it was Russian mafia money, then more

in 2008 it would be



trained boys

and the question would be

be solved

They are business, ”says Abramkin.

According to his version, the money was given by his friends and clients, large companies, to buy machines, machinery, equipment, including airline tickets. Rather, they bought the currency at a fixed rate, but when their company went public, the rate changed due to the large amount. In addition, they bought at any time of the day and thus took advantage of the movement of exchange rates.

“This money belongs to my clients and I have reimbursed them,” says Abramkin. He claims that he sold his property to pay for them.

A month after the start of the investigation in our country in 2008, it also started in Russia. He also went through a military investigation, but has already been detained.

It was the case of Russia that caused Abramkin to miss several court hearings in Bulgaria. Von Messing misled his Bulgarian lawyer by telling him he was in psychiatry.

According to the investigation in Russia, he had an underwriting measure. Returning from the case in Sofia, he went to the Investigation Committee in Moscow. The investigator told him that he had illegally left and violated the subscription. He filed a request to change the preventive measure in court.

And so

from August 10


until June 2014

Abramkin was

behind bars in

St. Petersburg,

and then four months under house arrest.

According to him, Von Messing decided to take advantage of the situation and gave false information that she was in psychiatry. Abramkin believes this was because he wanted the case against the two to be split.

However, the story gets even more complicated. In December 2015, SANS performed a new inspection of the Optima Ka. It turned out that on December 8, 2015, the manager was replaced. Krassimir V., born in 1957, was registered as such.

“A SANS inspection found that it was

owner of

“Hollow companies,


for taxes

fraud ”,

write in the report.

According to Abramkin, there was another investigation against Von Messing since 2016. However, it was stopped due to his disappearance.

The absence of the Russian woman became known in February 2018, when the Sofia City Court received a request from her to lift the ban on her leaving the country for treatment in Germany. However, from a Eurojust response to the court, it is clear that one of the doctors who allegedly signed the certificate dated January 18, 2018 had passed away a year ago.

Abramkin also has a comment on his business partner’s health issues. “They come from uncontrolled self-medication. She carries a whole briefcase with pills. She wakes up in the morning and decides she is sick and starts drinking them.”

How relationships between yesterday’s business partners will play out and whether Von Messing will be discovered remains to be seen in upcoming court hearings.
