What’s happening on The Row? 13 people fell into the freezing water!


© Plovdiv24.bg

In the last three weeks alone, there have been several dangerous incidents at the Rowing Base with people slipping and falling into cold water. The director of the Municipal Security OP, Dimitar Palashev, warned about this. Thirteen people were rescued thanks to the rapid intervention of municipal guards or citizens who came to help. Fortunately, all the victims passed away with only slight frostbite and fear.

“We want to draw the attention of residents and guests of Plovdiv to the fact that they should be careful when walking or playing sports on the Rowing Canal. We ask that you do not take dangerous selfies on the edge of the glass of the water facility, nor that they walk in dangerous proximity. to the water “, called Dimitar Palashev.

He also spoke about the incidents that took place this month alone. On December 5, in the tower area, a child from a group of young people slipped and fell into the water. The security guard on duty removed him with a belt and rope. Again on December 11, in the early afternoon, two young men slipped and fell into the water and were rescued by municipal officials.

On the same day at 5:20 pm a woman fell into the water, right in front of the stands. The citizens and the security guard on duty again managed to avoid drowning. On December 12, a woman, in an attempt to get her dog’s ball out of the water, slipped and fell inside. Her husband jumps after her to save her, but due to the low temperatures, they both cannot swim to shore. The security guard on duty from the “Municipal Guard” took them out, helping them with a belt and rope.

The next day, around 1:45 pm, a boy and a girl with a dog fell into the water and were again taken out with a belt and rope by the municipal guards and citizens. There are three incidents on December 15th. At around 3 p.m., a woman fell into the water, but her husband quickly pulled her out. Half an hour later, a young man on metro 750 of the Rowing Canal fell into the water and the guards took him out again.

At 4:30 pm, a group of three students were walking when one slipped and fell into the water. He was saved again thanks to the quick intervention of his friends and the security guard on duty. The last incident was on December 18 with two twin sisters who fell into the water and were also rescued, thanks to Municipal Security officials.
