A drug that outperforms COVID-19 vaccines – is it silent? – Bulgaria


“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it became clear that there was no cure for a damn new coronavirus, I kept worrying about one question: which is better, a drug or a vaccine?” With these words begins his publication Ivaylo Achev of Actualno.com. In it, he seeks an answer to the question of what would happen if there was a drug that could be taken preventively against COVID-19.

Here is the author’s full text:

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it became very clear that there was no quick cure for the damn new coronavirus, I kept worrying about one question: which is better, drug or vaccine?

In conversations with doctors made for materials on Actualno.com, I was constantly faced with the opinion of experts that the drug and the vaccine are not competitors to choose from: the drug will be used in already tested patients, the vaccine is made for healthy people.

Sounds logical, right? Yes, but what if there is a drug that can be taken preventively? So it is clear that there is competition with vaccines. If the drug is something new and innovative, then the competition will be the same: each new drug has its side effects, which, however, have not yet been well studied in practice.

No matter how much clinical research is done, the really widespread use of a product is always something different – especially these days, with all kinds of social networks, where it is very easy to share any information – true, false, true, false, malicious. a lie made to win one or the other to lose, and very often both. However, what will happen if the drug is already known and tested in practice, years, even decades of practice? What if it helps preventively, like vaccines? What if your patent has already expired?

What if its price is like that of a middle-class drug for the United States and Europe? So with all the money invested in coronavirus vaccines and all the government contracts for their use, what would happen?

I ask all these questions after the following information about the drug “Ivermectin”. It is not well understood in Bulgaria that one of the prominent American pulmonologists, Dr. Pierre Corey, literally asked the Senate during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security to force the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to review the new data submitted by him and his colleagues. by the effect of the drug!

Examine them, do not unconditionally include it in the treatment of COVID-19! WHO DOESN’T KNOW, SEE FOR YOURSELF! In Bulgaria, at the beginning of July, the then Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev announced that there was a clinical study in 9 hospitals on the effect of “Ivermectin”.

Actualno.com received an official confirmation from the Ministry of Health that the contracting authority for the study, however, is not the state, but Huvepharma EOOD. Under different forms of representation: EOOD, EAD, but the final owner is one: Kiril Domuschiev! Actualno.com is still waiting for additional answers to clarify questions and will present a series of materials on the subject, but at least for now we cannot understand what the results of the survey are and even if it is complete, because there are signed contracts and obligations, including disclosure. of information.

However, we learn that the drug is being tested in 12 hospitals. And last but not least, with the active ingredient “Ivermectin” from the commercial network in Bulgaria, you can only buy a cream to spread rosacea! However, drugs and products that the Executive Medicines Agency (BDA) has not yet approved for our sales network can be used for clinical trials. Let’s get back to Dr. Corey now. At his Senate hearing on December 8, 2020, he explicitly cited a study from Argentina. According to him, it was carried out by Dr. Héctor Carbayo, the main person in charge of Ivermectin research in the South American country. The results, according to Dr. Corey before the US Senate National Security Committee, Out of 800 doctors who drank Ivermectin PREVENTIVELY, none were infected with COVID-19! Of the other 400 who didn’t drink it, 58% got infected, that is. 237 people! (in the VIDEO between 4:20 and 4:40 minutes of the recording) And in Bulgaria there are doctors who report on clinical observations for a similar effect and Actualno.com will do everything possible to reach their position with details to the general public – HERE IS AN EXAMPLE !!

That is all for now. But only for now. You must research and answers, dear institutions and statesmen. In Bulgaria and around the world. Because it is better to definitely destroy a hope, if it is false, than to burn and ignite like a fire and cause more serious problems. And while you do your research and give the definitive answers, don’t forget that there are doctors with certain names and reputations who claim things that harm pharmaceutical capitalism! Refute or confirm them, but do not remain silent, because silence is a sign of consent! And because there is no time, the whole world has given enough victims!


Ed note: NOVA learned that the drug has been tested and approved.
