Bulgaria suspended flights and banned from British travelers – Bulgaria


Bulgaria has suspended flights and banned UK travelers

© Reuters

Bulgaria temporarily suspends all flights to and from the UK, and those arriving from the country, as well as those coming from Ireland, will be subject to a 10-day quarantine. This was decided today in an extraordinary meeting by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva, Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rosen Zhelyazkov and Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov.

The reason is the new strain of coronavirus, which was discovered in the UK. It is known to spread 70% faster.

The first case in the UK, infected with the new strain, was detected in October. So far, it has been found in Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, and even South Africa.

Due to the new strain, a maximum level of restrictive measures has been reintroduced today in the British capital, London and the south-east of England. Under the new rules, anyone who tries to leave London can be arrested. Indoor meetings with anyone who is not part of the respective household are prohibited. Residents of these areas must remain in their homes unless it is necessary to travel to work if they cannot work from home.

The new strain of coronavirus has prompted French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to speak by phone today with EU leaders: EC President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel . The theme was to develop a common approach to the problem with the new strain of coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly and has led some Europeans to ban flights from the UK, sources close to the Elysee Palace said, cited by BTA.

Bulgaria has suspended flights and banned travelers from the UK

© Reuters

Spain has requested a coordinated decision from the EU on the matter. However, while waiting, the Netherlands and Belgium have already suspended flights to Great Britain, Italy and Germany have also introduced a similar measure.

Ireland will impose restrictions on flights and ferries arriving from the UK after midnight. In general, travel between Ireland and the UK will be limited. The measure will be discussed again Tuesday morning, the minister told Virgin Media News. Exceptions will be made for the transportation of goods and for employees in major supply chains.

Can you compromise vaccines?

Before BNT, the chief state health inspector, associate professor Angel Kunchev, said that so far more than 400 changes have been detected in the virus, but they have not affected its characteristics. “Now we have a significant change in the spike protein of the virus spines, which is responsible for immunity. If it changes, it will cause us big problems, for now the evidence is that this change leads to easier transmission of the virus, which it is very unpleasant, but we will continue the development, “he said.

Also speaking to BNT, the BAS virologist, Prof. Radostina Alexandrova, commented that the strain appeared in September, but has now alarmed the health authorities by its rapid spread. He noted that, unlike other mutations that affected 7, 8, 10 characteristics of the virus, this one affected 17.

“We don’t know how dangerous the new strain is. Serious research is needed to say to what extent it has a connection to the immune response, that is, if it can compromise the vaccine, this has yet to be proven,” Alexandrova said.

She recalled that the body’s immune response is against so-called. the “spike” of the virus that it recognizes the cell’s gateway is infecting it.

“We also know that the reptile is built against different parts of this beak. So hopefully even if there is a change in some parts of this beak, the rest will be enough to provide reliable protection. Very popular and advanced vaccines have been tested on different variants of the virus and so far there are no problems in this regard. ”Professor Radostina Alexandrova stressed that most vaccines are manufactured in a way that allows a very rapid update if a mutation occurs.

Read the latest from the world on coronavirus here.
