A minister in England richer than the queen is being arrested


Chief Financial Officer Rishi Sunak is very popular and is already considered prime minister.

People in Britain are used to being ruled by hereditary wealthy people, but the condition of Finance Minister Rishi Sunak’s family managed to surprise everyone.

It turned out that his wife Akshata Murti owns shares in several companies, valued at 430 million pounds, much more than the 350 million available to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

This in itself is not so scandalous, since Aksha is

daughter of one

of the richest

businessmen in india,

and the fact that Sunak has not declared its significant business activity worldwide. Under English law, to avoid a conflict of interest, he should have done so as soon as he was appointed to the post in February.

But the 40-year-old policy has been limited to owning a small UK-based venture capital company, apparently believing that the rest of her business around the world cannot put her in a vulnerable position in the line of duty. .

However, an investigation by The Guardian newspaper showed that this was not the case. Aksha Murti owns stakes in several businesses owned by his father Narayana Murti, considered the founder of the information technology industry in his homeland and often referred to as the Indian Steve Jobs.

His high-tech company Infosys has several contracts with British governments, employing thousands of employees and joint investments in India with the giant Amazon. In addition, the wife is directly involved in at least five other companies related to England. He is among them

joint project

with the famous chef

Jamie Oliver

for an Indian restaurant chain and a company supplying uniforms to Eaton College in the UK. For half a million pounds, he also bought a 5% stake in International Market Management, a company that is investing in Britain from India through a subsidiary on the island of Mauritius to reduce taxes.

According to its director, Jasper Reed, this is not unusual, but a standard and legal approach, but the disclosure was commented as reprehensible behavior by other investors, as it deprives India of the tax revenue necessary for modern hospitals and schools.

All of these revelations were reason enough for the opposition British Labor Party to ask the government’s ethics watchdog to verify Rishi Sunak for violating the ministerial code.

So far, he and his wife have not commented on journalistic investigations into their wealth. The Finance Ministry said that Sunak had followed the procedures very closely and had decided not what to declare, but independent advisers and government officials who oversaw the process.

Even if the supervisory body finds violations in its declaration of conflict of interest, this will not lead to any automatic punishment, but will require a decision from the prime minister on this.

However, it would put a big stain on

the hurry

political career,

what sunak does

He became finance minister in February after his boss, Sajid Javid, resigned. His rise from chief secretary to minister came as a surprise to many, as he lacked the political experience that candidates for this key position often have. Sunak became a Conservative Party deputy in 2015, and in July 2019 he was appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance. Before that, he worked for various international financial funds.

He met his wife, Akshata, at Stanford University, where he went on to pursue a master’s degree after graduating from Oxford. They got married in 2009 in India. Although

their wedding

keep going

a few days and more

is present

around 1000 guests,

As are Indian traditions, the country’s media points out that the celebrations and dress of the newlyweds and their parents were quite modest, which is not typical of such rich people.

They suggest that this is probably due to Aksha and Rishi, who are well-educated and ambitious people who earn their own money. At the time, Sunak was a financial adviser and no one in the British political elite had heard of him. However, due to his marriage to Aksha, he became very popular in India.

The 74-year-old minister’s father-in-law is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs in his homeland. Narayana Murti started his high-tech business with just $ 250 of capital and a team of six in 1981. His company, Infosys, became the second-largest in the industry with $ 46 billion in capital, and in 2014 he decided to withdraw from your operations. leadership, giving way to younger professionals. His stake in the company is currently estimated at around $ 3 billion.

However, the young family decided to live in England.

He buys magnificently

farm in

North Yorkshire,

where once a year he gathers his villagers for a charity holiday, which is why they start calling him the Maharaja of the valley.

They raised their two daughters there until they had to move to 11 Downing Street a few months ago. This is the second most important address in the British government, where the Finance Minister lives. The immediate vicinity of the prime minister’s residence is not accidental, as both are considered the core of the country’s operational management.

Due to Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s infection with the coronavirus, Sunak was charged with even greater responsibilities for swiftly taking financial action due to the epidemic. And the way he handled this task made him super popular. His rating has already surpassed that of Johnson and some analysts do not hesitate to point to him as his future successor as prime minister, and the media comment on how well he imposes his public image.

Except you gave up

of his ministerial

salary, Sunak personally

Will serve

in the dining room,

when he announced the granting of state subsidies for restaurant meals to bring back Spaniards scared by the pandemic.

It introduced a very fast track scheme to support companies and individuals at risk of bankruptcy. Billions of pounds of state funds have been distributed, but now you have to find out how they will be returned to the treasury.

He himself says he is not afraid to make tough decisions like raising taxes and imposing restrictions, and urges people to try to live without fear of the coronavirus. Raised in the family of a doctor and a pharmacist, from a very young age he was used to seeing how people dealt with illnesses, even very often as a child they sent medicines to those who could not take them personally.

Sunak was born in Southampton, a

their parents are

immigrants from africa

As a student, he volunteered at the Conservative campaign headquarters, but didn’t make any serious contact. He was seen years later when he made a report for the party on minority issues. Members of his party describe him as a friendly person who knows how to listen and find common ground with everyone, a very important quality for a successful politician.
