Kostov: enter Bulgarian politics like a picnic lunch


Photo: BGNES

Bulgarian politics is “scorched earth”. It does not include capable people, because they know what fate will befall them. In politics, people go, like picnics, to eat. The nation’s talent does not go away.

This was stated to BNT by former Prime Minister Ivan Kostov. He commented on the main topic of last year: the coronavirus and the reaction of the authorities to the epidemic. According to him, the stricter measures taken on November 27 are paying off, but that is not enough.

The comment about the scorched earth was on the occasion of the idea of ​​former Finance Minister Simeon Djankov, who a few weeks ago proposed the formation of an economic council to overcome the crisis, which he would join together with Kostov and Plamen Oresharski. Kostov said he didn’t see anything useful in such an idea.

Capable and talented people do not enter politics because they know what destiny will follow. In politics, people go on a picnic to eat. It is not the color, the talent of the nation that is going to tackle these enormous problems and begin to move them forward. Read a lot of information, hold many meetings, make measured decisions. This is a huge job, who will do the job? No one is allowed to enter this scorched earth. From this point of view, we have what is offered to us, these are the opportunities in the country.“was his comment.

According to Kostov, the government’s success or failure in fighting contagion cannot be measured by what most people think. The relative criterion is a comparison with other EU countries.

The final summary results by which we can make a comparison are two indicators: the overall death rate and the rate of decline in GDP.“He said. Kostov added that the most serious defeat was the death toll. According to him, the general mortality rate in our country is very high and is hardly observed in another country, a member of the UN, which has not been at war. in the last 10 “. years.

This is a really big loss. In general, the indicators, both for the economy and for this result for many people, show that we are among the countries in Europe that are facing the epidemic the worst.“said the former prime minister.

Mistrust in institutions is one of the biggest problems in our country, stressed Kostov. According to him, it is not restored through the speech of public figures, but only through elections.

But as we are at the end of the term, confidence is low at the beginning and everything they say is questioned, to put it mildly.“, He explained.

Forecasts for the outcome of the economic crisis are much more complicated than those for the health crisis, Kostov said. Hopes for a speedy recovery are risky, according to him. On the positive side, both crises contain opportunities. The health crisis shows what organization and structures are needed, and the pandemic has given a powerful economic boost to “the fourth technological revolution in the global world“Kostov explained.

Electrification of institutions is becoming irreversible, online learning, web-based meetings, even litigation, working from home, opportunities to decarbonize the economy and save the climate seem entirely feasible. Artificial intelligence has entered and worked in the most advanced sectorsKostov said.
