Coronavirus: three times more deadly than the flu


This is what scientists in France say

The coronavirus is three times more deadly than the seasonal flu. This is the conclusion published by scientists in France. They studied the results of hospitalization of patients with both viruses. The data was collected from nearly 90,000 hospitalized with COVID-19 and more than 40,000 with influenza. The death rate among those who contracted the new disease and were hospitalized was 17 percent. In those hospitalized with influenza, just under 6 percent. Also, hospital stays were twice as long for people with coronavirus. The only group in which those hospitalized with influenza have a higher percentage than those hospitalized with COVID-19 is children. The figures come amid a further increase in the number of cases in France, which is among the worst affected in the world.

“In France, we are seeing a further increase with concern. The effective reproductive number of infection is again higher than one. More precisely 1.03. It is significantly higher in the Loire Valley, in the area around Paris and Normandy. We really must have care during the next holidays. To this day, prevention remains the surest protection, “said Jerome Salomon, French health inspector.

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