HORROR! 25% of those admitted with COVID in Pernik hospital died – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


The largest health institution in the Pernik district reports high hospital mortality from COVID-19. For a month and a half at Rahila Angelova Hospital 25% of patients diagnosed with coronavirus died, reports Struma.bg.

Since the beginning of November, 400 people with a severe diagnosis have been admitted to the Pernik hospital. Of these, 100 have lost the battle with the insidious disease, confirmed the director of the health institution, Dr. Anatoli Mitov.

The explanation of doctors and managers of the shocking high mortality figure in our country is, more often, that patients seek help late. However, the fact is that the COVID-19 patient system is currently entrusted to jeeps. They decide, most often over the phone, what treatment to prescribe and whether your patient is for treatment at home or in the hospital. The fact is that even if they recommend hospitalization, there are often no places in the hospitals.

Statistics show 25% hospital mortality. Treated patients have severe pneumonia and respiratory failure, as well as comorbidities. At the same time, only 32% of the medical staff at the Rahila Angelova Hospital in Pernik have expressed their categorical request to be vaccinated against COVID-19. 157 doctors out of a total of 493 employees will benefit from free placement in the first stage of vaccination. Among them is the director Dr. Anatoli Mitov.

Pernik / Bulgaria
