Smolyan leader in deaths from COVID-19, Sofia ranks last


Shocking data in the field record: of every 100 newly infected, 20 died.

Bulgaria remains second in mortality in the EU

More than half of the districts in Bulgaria have claimed more than 100 lives for every 100,000 people since the start of the pandemic. Unexpectedly, the capital, where 1/3 of all COVID infection cases in Bulgaria are concentrated (186,246 registered), ranks last in number of deaths.

This is demonstrated by the data summarized by the analyst Tihomir Bezlov, which tracks mortality from viruses throughout the period from the start of the epidemic in our country in March to December 16.

With 160.3 per 100,000 inhabitants, the leader with the highest death rate from COVID-19 for the period is the Smolyan region. Sofia ranks last with an indicator of 51.9 per 100,000.

Following the data during these 10 months, Bezlov estimates that the average mortality for the country due to coronavirus infection is 84.6 per 100,000 inhabitants.

However, 17 of the 28 districts have indicators above this (see figure 1).

In addition to Smolyan, there are more than 100 deaths per 100,000 residents in Montana and Razgrad districts, in second and third place, respectively, as well as in Ruse, Targovishte, Kyustendil, Vidin, Gabrovo, Shumen, Sliven, Silistra districts. , Yambol and Sofia. the tables prepared by Bezlov. These are also the areas in which the situation has remained critical in recent weeks, since in Shumen and Yambol the occupation of beds in hospitals for weeks is between 80 and more than 100%.

Apart from the capital, it has the lowest death rate

children under 60 died

per 100 thousand

the population is


However, the mortality picture is quite different in the past month and a half, when the curve for sick and dead increased sharply. With an average mortality rate of 50.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, only 5 districts maintain levels below it, this time in last place is Blagoevgrad with 12.6 deaths per 100,000, and the leader is Montana with 113.4.

Blagoevgrad is among the areas that have been severely affected since the start of the epidemic in every month so far, but its death rate is slightly above the national average.

Along with Montana, the top five districts with the highest mortality since early November are Ruse, Razgrad, Vidin, and Gabrovo. (graph 2).

In addition to a population of 100,000 inhabitants, the expert compared mortality by district and based on the percentage of people diagnosed with COVID-19 who died. However, this report only takes into account cases identified by the PCR test and does not include those who tested positive for antigen, nor, for example, reported cases of deaths from complications of pneumonia in which the test it was negative. But the general panorama of the country for the period from March to December does not change significantly with this criterion. Smolyan again leads with 9.05% of deaths in 1898 infected in the district until December 16. The average percentage for the country is 3.31, and the lowest in Sofia – 1.37% died of 51,188 positives.

Stara Zagora, Burgas, Varna, Blagoevgrad and Plovdiv are the other districts with a lower than average death rate, and the top five again include Razgrad, Vidin, Targovishte and Montana with between 8.01 and 6.57% deaths .

According to the same indicator, but for the moment from November until now, Smolyan is again in the lead with 19.83% and, finally, Sofia with 2.03%. Here, the Targovishte district ranks second in mortality compared to those infected (15.74%). In Kardzhali, Razgrad and Vidin in the last month

Have they died

between 10 and 12%

of new patients

From November to December, mortality remains below the national average in Stara Zagora, Burgas, Varna, Gabrovo, Vratsa, Plovdiv, Pernik and Kyustendil, between 3.26 and 4.64 percent, according to Bezlov. “I find it shocking if about 20 people out of 100 diagnosed die, as in Smolyan, or 16, as in Targovishte,” he said. Specifies that for 124 dead there is no specific settlement.

The measures introduced give an improvement, but it remains timid, summed up the chief state health inspector, Angel Kunchev, in the weekly briefing of the Ministry of Health. Bulgaria remains the second country in the EU after Slovenia, and we are leaders among the Balkan neighbors. During the last 2 weeks, our average mortality is 21.4 people per 100,000 inhabitants.

However, there are

decline in

morbidity, which is already 438 people per 100 000. Thus, Bulgaria is already 14th in the EU. With an increase of 4.8% in new cases in Europe, on average in our country during the last 14 days there is a decrease of 4.5%, announced associate professor Kunchev. “We are beginning to see how this is beginning to affect hospitalizations, but not yet severe cases and mortality, something that we hope will happen by the end of the year,” he hopes. However, the image is still very different depending on the area.
