Putin: Russia handled the pandemic better than Europe and the United States – Issues in development


“Russian medicine has proven to be more effective in fighting the coronavirus than in other countries,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“No system in the world was ready for the scale that we found. There simply was no such system. Compared to what is happening in the world, of course, our system has proven to be more effective,” Putin told an annual press conference. .

According to him, Russia has managed to buy time to fight the infection thanks to the rapid response at the start of the pandemic.

“We react immediately and buy time to begin active preparations for the moment when it reaches us in large quantities and on a large scale,” Putin said.

He said Russia had dealt with the pandemic with dignity and partly better than other countries.

Russia’s gross domestic product fell 3.6% due to the coronavirus crisis, less than all major housekeepers in Europe and the United States. In almost all of them, GDP contracted by more than 9%.

About 550 billion rubles from Russia’s budget will be allocated for programs to modernize the primary health care unit, the Russian president said.

“And all the resources provided for this program, all will be used by us within the deadlines set in it. This is 500 billion rubles from the federal budget, plus 50 billion rubles from the regional budgets. 300 thousand should be allocated million and spent over the next three years. “

Putin noted that the implementation of these programs will begin on January 1, 2021, but in some areas they are already working.

The level of protection provided by the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus reaches 97%, he added.

My father was posthumously tested for coronavirus

Russia turned out to be the first country in the world to invent, so to speak, and start producing a vaccine, both the Gamalea Science Center and the Vector Center. And we have a good vaccine: safe and effective, more than 95%, the level of protection is around 96-97%, experts say. “

Putin expressed confidence in the successful outcome of Russia’s cooperation with the pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca.

Clinical trials of the combination of the British manufacturer and Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine will begin before the end of this year.

“It is gratifying when specialists of this level with a global reputation join forces, even with Russian partners, and I am sure that the result will be very good not only for our citizens, but for the whole world,” Putin said.

COVID-19: Scientists are trying to combine Russian and British vaccines

“> COVID-19: Scientists Are Trying To Combine Russian And British Vaccines

Since the beginning of the pandemic, around 74.2 million people have been infected with the coronavirus worldwide and more than 1.6 million have died. In Russia, according to the federal operational headquarters for the fight against the coronavirus, 2,762,668 cases of contagion were registered, 49,155 died.

In addition, the Russian president expects a 2% growth in the agricultural sector by the end of the year.

The head of state also noted an increase in unemployment in Russia.

“The unemployment rate we had at the beginning of the year was 4.7%, now, as you know, it has risen to 6.3%, but we will certainly work on that,” Putin said, noting that the Federation’s foreign exchange reserves of Russia have reached 587.7 billion dollars, which creates the conditions for good macroeconomic development.

Putin is confident that outsiders will try to interfere in the 2021 Russian elections, but “Russia is preparing for that.”

The president said today that the joint journalistic investigation, which named the assassins working for Russian intelligence as responsible for the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, was a “stunt”.

The head of state denied the allegations and said Navalny was not important enough to be targeted.

“If someone wanted to poison Navalny, it would end things,” said the Russian president with a smile.

Putin accused Navalny of receiving support from the US services, which, he said, meant that Russian intelligence should monitor him. But that didn’t mean they were poisoning him. “Who needs it?”

Russia has not launched an investigation into the Navalny incident, as there was no reason to do so, and accuses Germany of not sharing its information about the Russian justice case.

In addition, Putin hopes that the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, with his experience, will understand the problems in relations with the Russian Federation and participate in their solution.

“I have not yet decided for myself whether I will stand in the 2024 elections,” Putin said. He stressed that “formally, this permission comes from the people.” “We’ll see if I do it or not.”
