The health authorities propose a change in three of the measures, the first to operate are the hotel restaurants – Bulgaria


The health authorities propose a change in three of the measures, the first to work are the hotel restaurants

© Government Information Press Service

The current anti-epidemic measures, introduced on November 27, should continue to operate until January 31, 2021, with exceptions for students in grades 1-4, kindergartens and hotel canteens. This was proposed by Health Minister Kostadin Angelov and members of the National Operational Headquarters (NSS) in a working meeting with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, the government press service reported. This order of Kostadin Angelov is valid until December 21 inclusive, clarified the Ministry of Health for “Dnevnik”. The deadline not mentioned for the possible start of operations of the restaurants in the hotels is December 22, they added. The details with final clarification of the proposals of the measures and the respective deadlines will be announced tomorrow in the periodic briefing of the Minister of Health and the representatives of the National Operational Headquarters.

The proposed changes to existing measures are:

– as of December 22 – allowing hotel dining rooms to function with up to 50% occupancy only for hotel guests with night hours entered until 10:00 pm.
– from January 1, 2021 to open galleries, museums, cinemas
– as of January 4, 2021 – allow students from 1st to 4th grade to start attending school, as well as to open kindergartens and nurseries;

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov explained that he always relied on expert opinion when making decisions. “Society hopes that in the coming days we will be informed in a timely manner about what we intend to do based on medical experience only, based on the number of infected, cured, etc.,” Prime Minister Boyko said at the beginning of the meeting. . Borisov. During a visit to a bakery on December 7, he announced: “The best anti-crisis measure that I have ordered the doctors is to reopen everything on December 21.”

The Minister of Health reported that in a week the number of people cured of the virus was 18,907. “The other positive aspect of the introduction of the measures is that the incidence in the country has been reduced to less than 600 per 100,000 inhabitants. We do not have areas colored in black, where it is more than 1,000 per 100,000 people“Angelov noted. Despite the aforementioned trends, however Bulgaria maintains its place in terms of morbidity in the EU, it continues to occupy the tenth and eleventh place, and in terms of mortality our country occupies the first place.

Due to the continued strong pressure on the health system, it is unthinkable to speak of an even greater relaxation of restrictions in our country, Angelov added. “We therefore propose that all other measures currently in force continue to apply until January 31, 2021 as your next review will be on January 21relative to the period after February 1, “he said.

Boyko Borissov points out that the extension of the measures until January 31, 2021 requires the state will provide new 250 million BGN to compensate for temporarily closed businesses or those with limited activity. “We have to get through these days. The pandemic is unpredictable, so as much as we can protect ourselves with discipline, distance, disinfection,” the prime minister said. It requires strict monitoring of the implementation of anti-epidemic measures on a daily basis and that penalties be imposed on offenders.

The Prime Minister points out that, in the context of the strictest measures in Europe and the world, Bulgaria continues to apply the most liberal regime, which protects people’s psyches and allows them free movement.

In the current situation and with this burden on the health system, we can maintain the current measures and hope that after the holidays the new cases will continue to decrease.

Boyko Borisov,

Prime Minister

“The proposal to extend the measures is very balanced, so we will strengthen the fragile trend to reduce COVID-19 cases, and after the holidays we will discuss the possibility of further mitigating the measures,” he said during the working meeting. the Chief Inspector of State Health, Ángel Kunchev.

According to the president of NOCHE and director of the Military Medical Academy, Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, given the morbidity at the moment, there can be no further relaxation of the restrictions.
