Bulgaria grants BGN 500,000 to Skopje


PHOTO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bulgaria is supporting the Republic of North Macedonia by funding 7 projects worth BGN 579,789 free of charge under official development assistance and humanitarian aid through the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ministry announced.

The agreements on the first four projects for a total value of BGN 415,480 were signed by our ambassador in Skopje Angel Angelov and the beneficiaries on December 15, 2020. The projects concern the field of health, youth development and civil society in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Agreements were concluded with the Association for the treatment of children “In My World” of Skopje for the implementation of two projects: “Reconstruction and equipping of the first day-care center for young people and adults with autism spectrum disorders in the Republic of Macedonia del Norte “for a value of BGN 234,700 and” Treatment and sensory therapy of children with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Asperger’s syndrome of socially disadvantaged families in 2021 “for a value of BGN 73,340.

The other two projects, which aim to support the development of civil society and young people, are “Support for the international exchange of NGOs” worth BGN 47,583 and “Establishment of a center for the development of child and youth creativity” Tvoritelnitsa “worth BGN 59,857. These projects will be implemented by the Ohrid Center for Contemporary Research and the Citizens Association – Academy for Innovative Education, Career, Bulgarian Language, Culture, Traditions and Other Intellectual Services” Hello “. Three agreements will be signed plus. .

The agreements signed for projects are part of the decision taken earlier this month by the Council of Ministers to award a total of BGN 2,560,812 in grants to finance projects in the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia. The selection of projects, carried out together with the beneficiary countries, is in line with the tasks of Bulgarian foreign policy, among which are the strengthening of the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries, stimulating the socio-economic development of the countries. partner countries.

Bulgaria supports the Republic of North Macedonia with a grant of more than BGN 500,000.
