Mihail Okoliyski: Granting measures for Christmas can become the tragedy of our lives


“The release of the measures against COVID-19 during the Christmas holidays may become one of the tragedies of our lives,” said Associate Professor Mihail Okoliyski, representative of the World Health Organization in Bulgaria.

“I think we must have common sense in these times and not succumb to our emotions. Currently, the situation in Bulgaria is not good and the position of the Minister of Health reflects the need to protect people’s lives and health, “Okoliyski said.

He added that if the anti-epidemic measures are launched before Christmas, the effect would be devastating for Bulgaria, “as is beginning to happen.” “This celebration and the excessive desire of people to make up for these coronavirus failures could quickly turn into a pain at the loss of loved ones, in having to seek help in hospitals,” Okoliiski said.

Regarding matching antigen testing to PCR, Okoliyski commented that he was adamant about the idea. He is convinced that these data will not distort the statistics of our country.

“The number of infected is already very high. We need a better image,” he added. According to him, Slovakia, which is comparable to Bulgaria, has extremely good results after testing with antigen tests.

There, the coronavirus is under control because they identified patients at risk, they isolated them. This is the way to deal with the pandemic, “Okoliiski explained.

Regarding attitudes towards vaccination against COVID-19, he commented that he was surprised that the percentage of people who want to be vaccinated has barely increased. Regarding the vaccination of doctors and front-line employees, Okoliyski commented that he hopes they will be an example for the population.

Okoliyski also said that the WHO forecast is that if we are rational enough and use the COVID-19 vaccine we will avoid the third, fourth and fifth waves of the disease.
