BHRA with a letter to Borisov, requested the opening of restaurants in hotels for the holidays – Tourism


The Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA) expresses its dissatisfaction with the statement of the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov that even after December 21 the measures will not be relaxed and the establishments in the accommodation places will remain closed. Three weeks ago, when the new restrictions were announced, Economy Minister Lachezar Borisov publicly promised companies that everything would work again, albeit under strict hygiene and anti-epidemic measures after the 3-week period.

This is stated in a letter from BHRA to Prime Minister Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born on June 13, 1959 with a copy to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova, which we publish without editorial intervention:

“Once again, the government is not keeping its promises and commitments to the business and, frankly, it is misleading investors.

The Association of Hotels and Restaurants jumped by the accusations about COVID-19

Hotels and guesthouses across the country have already made reservations for Christmas and New Years, and their customers look forward to celebrating the holidays safely in the dining and lodging areas. The Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, also admitted that these are the safest businesses and they have taken the strictest measures. In a difficult economic year, due to pandemic mitigation measures, the two-week vacation in late 2020 is the only opportunity for the accommodation to survive and retain its staff. However, if hotel restaurants don’t open now or are not financially compensated by the state, thousands of people will queue in front of labor offices in 2021.

As the BHRA has repeatedly warned, there is no compensation for hotel staff and owners, as their business has not been closed by order. But they are not actually allowed to work, as their potential clients have nowhere to eat in peace. And even the few who still decide to rest must eat in five-star hotels only in their room, which obscures the celebration of the holidays.

Should the measures actually be extended after December 21, BHRA urges to urgently work out a scheme to compensate hotel and restaurant owners in order to avoid massive bankruptcies. In our opinion, financial assistance from the state to hoteliers and restaurateurs is already mandatory and must be at least 30 percent of the turnover for the closing period of the previous year, and for new businesses – in the previous period in which they were open at full capacity.

The BHRA insists that it is mandatory to provide assistance to staff in hotels and restaurants, who currently cannot benefit from any social measures, as they are working, albeit only on paper. We demand that our employees stay on 100 percent of their wages and that the state take care of all insurance. We don’t want to send hundreds of loyal employees to the streets, whose training has been invested not only money but also know-how.

We look forward to your support as we are confident that any forward-thinking politician would help in times of crisis a structural branch of the economy that provides food for entire regions and various other sectors, “concludes BHRA’s letter to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov .Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born on June 13, 1959.
