Terrifying confessions of Christina, accused of killing her two children – 【Criminal News】 • crimes, accidents and incidents


“I will destroy you and your whole family!”, “I will make you commit suicide”, “I will drive you crazy and take your children”. These are just some of the threats that Kristina Duncheva, 32, of Sandanski, described in her lawsuit in court in early October, BNT reported.

The mother who killed her two children, 5-year-old Vasil and 3-year-old Yvonne, claims to have been the victim of years of domestic violence by the boy’s and girl’s father, Georgi Traikov.

On October 8, 2020, the woman filed a request for a protection order under the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act against her in the presence of her minor children.

Kristina Duncheva’s brother, accused of double murder and in custody, showed a copy of the lawsuit filed by his lawyer. On the day the petition was received, the Sandanski District Court Rapporteur Judge accepted it for consideration and scheduled a public hearing for November 3, 2020. However, the case was postponed to November 26 and then to November 17. from December.

This is what Duncheva describes in her request to the court:

“Due to the deterioration of the attitude towards me and the children, the constant physical and mental abuse towards me, IN FRONT OF OUR CHILDREN, after a series of insulting words directed at me, physical aggression, expressed in strong and painful slapping of the ears, threats of physical destruction with the words: “I will destroy you and your whole family”, I will make you commit suicide “, I will drive you crazy and I will take your children, and their threat to throw me out on the terrace … October go with the children … “

In the complaint, Kristina also clarified that the next day Georgi Traikov threatened her by phone with the words

“I will destroy you and your whole family!”, “I will make you commit suicide”, “I will drive you crazy and take your children”.

These death threats are indicators of high risk and are sufficient to activate art. 18 of the Domestic Violence Protection Act and issue immediate protection within 24 hours, without the need to summon both parties, even if not explicitly requested.

According to the complaint, the court may also order immediate protection measures, which are also described in the Child Protection Act. Christina stated that the constant mental and physical abuse occurred in front of the children, and Art. 2 of the law stipulates that children as witnesses can also be considered victims of violence.

Also, the day Christina ran away from home, she called 112 for help. After the call, the police inspector responded and asked for a written description. In it, Christina talks about escalating tension after drinking alcohol.

If the responding police officer finds evidence of direct, immediate or subsequent danger to the life or health of the victim, he or she may petition the District Court to issue an immediate protection order within 24 hours of receipt of the request. In cases where there are child victims of violence, the police inspector must notify the Department of Child Protection and inform the prosecution.

Christina’s family and her attorney have not been informed of any action in this regard.

Until the fateful Children’s Day, Christina was very hesitant to receive institutional support and help.

