BOETS leader and his wife were admitted to Sofia hospitals, their situation is difficult – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


The leader of the civil association “BOETS” – Georgi Georgiev, as well as his wife Mariela, were transferred from Vidin hospital to Sofia hospitals. This follows from a post on the civil association’s Facebook page.

We publish without editorial intervention what “BOETS” wrote on Facebook:

Dear friends, we would like you to know that our persistent joint efforts to make the health system work and save two lives have paid off. Georgi and Mariela were transported from Vidin to Sofia and will be admitted to hospitals that meet their specific and, unfortunately, very complex medical needs. As you know, both are seriously ill with Kovid-19, while at the same time, just ten months ago, Georgi became a kidney transplant donor for his wife. His coronavirus caused him severe bilateral pneumonia, fever and chills, and his blood saturation dropped to 73. Today we remind you that he has been positive for covid for more than two weeks and deteriorated dramatically on Tuesday when he was admitted to Vidin hospital. Mariela has also tested positive for more than 2 weeks, has maintained a dangerously high temperature, and although she does not yet have pneumonia, treatment has reduced the dose of immunosuppressants she is taking due to the transplanted organ. Her condition also worsened on Friday, and although doctors at Vidin hospital tried to provide her with proper treatment in Sofia, they could not find a place in a hospital and she remained in Vidin. Since Friday, numerous inquiries about his condition, including the French team that performed the transplant in Grenoble, only lead to one conclusion: the risk of rejecting the kidney is too high and it must be under constant monitoring by a transplantologist and a nephrologist during your treatment. of Kovid is over.
So we came to the situation to ask all of you for help and to get involved in the life and health of George and Mariela, all of our friends and supporters and even people who are neither of us.

We are infinitely grateful for his empathy, for the willingness with which he offered us help, contacts and advice; This is invaluable support that shows that good causes will always unite good people with a common goal. Thanks to everyone who wrote to us, sent us contact numbers for chief doctors and specialists, called on our behalf, sometimes on their own initiative.
You were successful!

We all succeeded together, we moved the clumsy machine and tonight, by decision of a team of doctors, Mariela will be admitted to the Lozenets and Georgi Clinic, to the Military Medical Academy. We believe that both will be cared for by exactly those specialists who need it and will receive appropriate treatment for their serious condition. We will monitor therapies and inform you of any changes. We thank the physicians of the two hospitals who expressed their willingness to cooperate with us and closely monitor the condition of our friends. Thank you once again, we wish Georgi and Mariela a speedy recovery, despite the absurd difficulties they go through in receiving the proper treatment.
We are fully aware that all sick Bulgarians face the same hell of insecurity, chaotic actions and ignorance that we have faced in recent days. This cannot be the modern and effective healthcare we all deserve! BOETS will do everything in our power to change it!

We wish you health!

