Ninova: Funds for crisis recovery will reach all Bulgarians – Politics


“The BSP is ready with a comprehensive plan for a different government of Bulgaria, which is not only with temporary measures until the elections, but is a strategic document with a vision for the coming years.” This request was made by the president of BSP Cornelia NinovaCornelia ninova

Cornelia Ninova is a Bulgarian BSP politician, member of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for in the program “Domingo 150” on BNR.

“Several years ago we prepared our alternative plan to govern Bulgaria:” Vision for Bulgaria “. At the end of last month we updated it and with the alternative budget, which we presented to the parliament, we presented a comprehensive vision of an alternative policy,” explained Cornelia Ninova.Cornelia ninova

Cornelia Ninova is a Bulgarian politician from BSP, member of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for.

The leader of the Bulgarian socialists emphasized: “We emphasized in the field of health: hospitals should not be commercial companies, have a health card, an electronic health file, an ordinance on the wages of health workers. We proposed a different vision of governance in the economy, with a more serious role for the State, with investments in key sectors. We offered our vision in the field of social policy: recalculation of all pensions, very serious policy towards youth and children, young families, family income taxes, free medicine for children and free textbooks for grade 12 .

Regarding the European funds that Bulgaria expects from Europe to recover from the crisis, Ninova explained: “The approval of the Bulgarian National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability after the Crisis is near. Under this plan, Bulgaria can receive € 6 billion in grants and € 4.5 billion in loans from the European Union. But this is money for reforms – upholding the rule of law and fighting corruption, a green economy and digitization. “

According to her, the government’s plan does not propose reforms, does not limit the flow of money to fight corruption and does not have a comprehensive strategic vision for the future. According to Ninova, what the government has proposed are partial projects left over from previous operational programs.

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“This represents a risk for Bulgaria, not for them. Because it is possible that these projects will not be approved by the European Commission, because they do not meet the objectives set and Bulgaria will not receive the financing that it so badly needs,” warned Cornelia Ninova.Cornelia ninova

Cornelia Ninova is a Bulgarian politician from BSP, member of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for.

The president of the BSP presented to the listeners of the BNR the alternative plan of the left for the recovery of the crisis, emphasizing that in preparing it the Socialists have fulfilled the objectives and demands of the European Union. “It is complete and covers the maximum number of economic sectors; it will reach all Bulgarians. It is combined with reforms, suppression of corruption and theft of funds, significantly relieves the economy in terms of bureaucracy and administrative burden for companies and is targeted people, “Ninova recalled.

The BSP plan offers modern government based on digitization, Ninova revealed. He gave an example with the systems envisaged by the socialists, such as the preparation of an electronic health card and health record of each citizen, with information on each insured, a national electronic employment system with information on all employment offices, an electronic registry national, a single electronic tax. register, a unified electronic education system with information for each pupil and student, as well as a unified information system to link markets for agricultural products.

Asked about the meeting with the ambassadors of the EU member states, that Cornelia NinovaCornelia ninova

Cornelia Ninova is a Bulgarian BSP politician, member of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for held this week, he replied: “The European ambassadors were interested in the BSP’s management vision for the budget for the next European Union programming period, the National Recovery Plan, the fight against corruption, measures to the covid crisis and the reforms we intend to undertake. We had a very deep political and expert conversation about future governance. “

Ninova held a meeting with the ambassadors of the EU member states

By the date set by the President of March 28 for the parliamentary elections Cornelia NinovaCornelia ninova

Cornelia Ninova is a Bulgarian BSP politician, member of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for He commented: “These elections will not be traditional both as a campaign and as a way to carry them out. March 28 is the possible date according to the Constitution and it is a decision of the president; We respect this constitutional right of yours. “According to the BSP leader, a low turnout is not in favor of Bulgaria and will lead to a low legitimacy of future parliaments. Ninova also expressed concern about the possibility that in the current situation some Bulgarian citizens cannot exercise their right to vote.

Ninova called the allegations that the court refused to register the BSP false. “No court has denied us registration. Our documents have been presented and we are awaiting the first case, which will consider our registration after the Congress, scheduled for next week,” said the president of the BSP.
