Acad. Petrunov pointed out the only way to deal with the K-19 epidemic


All major infectious diseases such as smallpox, tetanus, and diphtheria are resolved with just one vaccine. This is what the Acad said. Bogdan Petrunov from BNT.

“Vaccines and antibiotics are two of the greatest achievements of medicine. Today we talk about medicine with facts, vaccines are an achievement that will really shed light on the problem of the pandemic,” he added.

Of course, there may be side effects, but here we must make an assessment of the benefits not only for ourselves but also for society.

Without the presence of a vaccine it is impossible to create the call. herd immunity. Without this, we simply will not be able to fight this epidemic, explained the academic.

On the subject of vaccines, there are two diametrically opposed views, which are legitimized at the institutional and media levels, so there is an imbalance, explained health analyst Arkady Sharkov.

There is no better or worse vaccine, it depends on reactogenicity reactions. Each vaccine has reactogenicity: redness at the vaccination site, itching, fatigue.

These symptoms subside and are forgotten and should not be confused with side effects, Acad explained. Petrunov.

There is no Bulgarian vaccine, let alone wholesale things, there are laboratory developments, said the scientist.

According to Arkady Sharkov, it would be a useful measure for the vaccine to be released for sale free of charge; then you will really see what citizens want to vaccinate. For example, we saw how all flu vaccines ran out in October, the analyst added.

It is very important, following the example of world leaders and ours: the president, the prime minister, political leaders, to get publicly vaccinated, Sharkov urged.

There is nothing to prevent a person who has been ill from being immunized once they have a low percentage of antibodies. There is definitely no danger, Acad added. Petrunov.

Until we learn to live with the virus, to wear masks, wash our hands regularly and limit social contacts, this will not end, it may take years, the academic is convinced.

Immunization should be voluntary and conscious for our people, but in no case mandatory, Acad added. Petrunov.
