Expert: Seriously Survived COVID-19 Plasma Transfusion Poses Huge Risks | | News from Bulgaria and the world


Dutch researchers have found that plasma transfusions from a survivor of a severe coronavirus infection pose enormous risks to the patient being infused.

Adjunct Professor Vladi Manev alerted bTV to this.

“Plasma from patients who have been seriously ill with COVID-19 should not be transfused, as this represents a high risk. Dutch scientists have found in severely ill coronavirus plasma, in addition to antibodies, other antibodies that act against macrophages. such
a blood transfusion can trigger a cytokine storm, which can lead to complications ”, the associate professor is categorical.

According to him, the country’s plasma centers should be informed about this discovery and refuse to accept plasma from patients with severe COVID.

In addition, the transfusion should occur on the seventh day after the onset of symptoms.

“Recently it has been established that the coronavirus has another receptor with which it penetrates: neuropilin. It creates opportunities for anesthesia of the body”, explained Prof. Manev. Therefore, people who do not have any symptoms of COVID-19 do not realize that they are sick until it is too late.

Manev believes that the Ministry of Health should seriously consider a mechanism through which patients in home quarantine can undergo additional tests to reduce the incidence of complications from the disease.
