Valeri Simeonov harshly criticized President Radev for the date of the elections – Politics


Vice Speaker of Parliament and NFSB Leader Valeri SimeonovValery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until 16 called Rumen Radev’s decision hastyRumen Radev

Rumen Georgiev Radev is a Bulgarian reserve military major general. Former commander of parliamentary elections to be held on March 28 next year. Yesterday, the head of state said that the vote for a new parliament should take place then. However, according to Simeonov, a discussion with specialists should first be held and elections should be organized when it is ensured that this will not lead to a new outbreak of COVID-19 infection.

“I understand that the president has a great desire for the government to leave as soon as possible, but he should be interested that the nation does not leave in addition to its aspirations,” the vice president told Dariknews.

Radev revealed if elections will be postponed due to COVID-19

We have no guarantee that we will bring the epidemic under control by March, and we will not provoke its outbreak with elections, with a new and more terrible force. Therefore, it would be better to have a very careful discussion with specialists to determine what stage Bulgaria is in and what to expect. And only then to decide the date of the elections, Simeonov added.

According to him, there will be low voter turnout due to people’s fear of infection. “The virus has the peculiarity that it spreads successfully in cold climates. Naturally, people will not risk touching ordinary mangoes, nor is it possible for someone to disinfect them after each pass, much less ordinary pens. Automatic voting too. it carries risks, because after each vote there is no way for someone to pass and erase, “said Valeri Simeonov.Valery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until he is 16.

The NFSB leader believes that the voting machine will not be possible at the time of a pandemic, since the process of his organization is impossible. “For me personally, automatic voting will remain an illusion, as there will be no time to organize production, delivery, storage, control or software. When will this happen in the March 28 elections? The voting will be mixed and” The pandemic has disrupted the pace of organizing anything, including the implementation of automatic voting, “Simeonov said.

According to him, elections should be made when more than half the population has been vaccinated or when the infection has been controlled.

“The other thing we saw, they held elections in France and now they are at the forefront of the infected and the dead. Politics is politics, but we cannot experiment with the health of an entire nation or seek the earliest date as revenge against the government. No. This is the most important thing, the important thing is to protect people’s health ”, Valeri Simeonov summarized.Valery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until 16.
