Pregnant women, children and people suffering from COVID-19, without the need for vaccination


Vaccines do not protect against infection, but they can protect us from serious complications from the virus and possibly death.. This was stated to Bulgaria ON AIR by the director of the Bulgarian Institute of Cardiology, Prof. Vladimir Danov.

However, he acknowledged that there were reasons for concern, as the vaccines had been developed in record time and there is no way to know the long-term effects on human health.

Professor Danov noted that he himself is a supporter of prevention and hydroxychloroquine was noted as a proven drug.

He noted that the results are eloquent: out of 1,500 doctors, only 38 tested positive, were not subjected to prophylaxis with the drug and were not protected. Once they have applied However, treatment with hydroxychloroquine, an antibiotic and zinc, infected doctors led to the disease in a very mild form.

Bulgarians divided over COVID-19 vaccine

Bulgarians divided over COVID-19 vaccine

According to Gallup, 43% of Bulgarians say “yes” to the vaccine and 48% deny it.

Professor Danov explained that hydroxychloroquine alkalizes the environment and the virus cannot enter the cell nucleus and multiply.

He expressed the view that Pregnant women, children under the age of 16, and those who have had coronavirus do not need vaccinations. Professor Danov pointed out that he would be vaccinated himself when he made sure the vaccine was safe.

Regarding the effects of the virus, the cardiologist said that in many of the patients who survived Problems continue to be more frequently related to the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, as well as the kidneys and lungs.

Professor Danov explained that her heart is affected more often myocarditis develops. The heartbeat could be an indicator of an initial heart attack.

According to him, the problem in the second phase of the disease is microembolism. These are serious deviations in the state of health, which must be under the hand of a specialist.

We received 125,000 doses of the vaccine

We received 125,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine around the New Year

A national vaccination plan for the population is being developed
