China lights its “artificial sun”


China has included its largest and most modern tokamak reactor, or the so-called “artificial sun,” according to Xinhua and

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See pictures of the Chinese tokamak reactor >> >> >>

China hopes to become a leader in the production of fusion electricity. In practice, this is the most environmentally friendly and efficient method of energy production, as the power would exceed that of the nuclear power plant without risk of radiation and contamination. However, the technology is very difficult to master and the temperatures in the reactor exceed those of the Sun’s core.

Tokamak HL-2M China’s Tokamak aims to achieve true fusion in its reactor. So far, the technology has only proven its ability to withstand the enormous temperatures in the reactor. This is done by super-cooled electromagnets, which prevent the plasma inside from touching the walls of the reactor.

In 2018, the HL-2M Tokamak reached 180 million degrees Celsius. A year later, the Chinese science team announced that it planned to keep the plasma at a temperature of 360 million degrees Celsius inside the reactor. In all likelihood, this will happen in the next few months. Nuclear fusion is also expected to be achieved.

Chinese scientists have been working on smaller versions of the fusion reactor since 2006. Beijing is developing the technology at a record pace and is an important partner of the France-based International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, ITER. This project costs more than 20 billion, but it promises to offer new technological solutions and extremely cheap and ecological electricity.
