Professor Kantardjiev explained if we can get infected if we have a mask – Topics in development


“To those who do not comply with the measures, I want to say that they are damaging their own health and that of their family and society. If they wear masks, even if they do get infected, they will have a much lower amount of virus and the infection is generally transmitted much more easily. This is one of the things that has been shown in recent months, “said the director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and member of the National Operations Staff, Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev, in an interview with FOCUS Radio.

In Bulgaria there is a slight decrease in the number of those infected by coronavirus, he added, adding that the increase in the number of new infections in Burgas, Sliven, Varna and Gabrovo is concerning. There is a significant reduction in coronavirus cases in Kardzhali, Targovishte and Kyustendil, but this does not mean that measures should be stopped. Prof. Kantardjiev thanked everyone who complied with the measures.

The public should know that anti-epidemic measures work, said Professor Todor Kantardzhiev.

Dr. Madjarov: This is one of the biggest threats to health.

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