Andrei Batashov – 10 years without the aristocrat who banged his head against the wall


Goodbye my friend

I think we’re on our way again

the morning saw

with our wild horses.

Hold on tight

you for the mane, gentleman!

You know I’m by your side


How I left you, I don’t know

but sure

I will be torn by anger …

This life is not ours for sure!

We will meet in that world!

These verses, converted into song, were dedicated by the bard Mihail Belchev to his friend Andrey Batashov only 20 days after his death. The beloved actor, who called himself the aristocrat of the Bulgarian theater, left us ten years ago, the day before St. Andrew’s Day.

His friends and students do not forget him. Joanna Bukovska-Davidova dedicated her solo show “Change” (on the life of Liv Ullman), which was to be performed at the New National Palace of Culture. Unfortunately, days before playing it, the actress announced on Instagram that she had a coronavirus and put it off. But sooner or later it will show!

Batashov left a brilliant mark in the history of Bulgarian performing arts with more than 40 roles. He played his most brilliant roles in National Theater performances: “Crimes of the heart”, “In four ears”, “Image and likeness”, “Comedy of errors”, “The merchant of Venice”, “Anatoly”, “The porter” , “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Two on the Swing”, “The Blue Room” …

“I hate changing values. I do not compromise with my conscience. It is a terribly painful process that scares me more than anything. I would never devote myself to eating so much,” said the actor during his life. And more: “I remember failures more, the successes less. Fate seems to take me away from great failures. Unfortunately, life goes on in a straight line and you cannot go back … “

On the day of San Andrés 4 years ago the book “With love in the soul. To my son Andrey Batashov ”, which is prepared by his mother Teodora.

The huge archive it conserves is processed together with the journalist Velislava Dareva. Part of the book is his extensive investigation of Batashov’s genealogy, containing extremely interesting and unknown facts about the life of his ancestors in Russia: the founders of Russian metallurgy and military industry, their work is the chariot on the pediment. from the Bolshoi Theater. By decree they became nobles.

In memory of Andrei Batashov, some television could show the biographical film “With his head on the wall” (2015), dedicated to his life and art on stage.

Especially for the readers of “24 hours” Velislava Dareva – a famous publicist and a close friend of Andrei Batashov, provided an excerpt from the biography of his ancestors – Russian noblemen Batashov. He has been working in Russian archives for years, and the study is part of the book “With love in the soul”, a long-standing ancient rarity, written on the idea of ​​Mother Dora and with the participation of authorized authors, including Simeon II. .

Your Highness

(The legendary Batashov family – historical touches)

“Your Highness” – this is the real address of Andrei Batashov. It belongs to the ancient Batashov family, to which hundreds, thousands of historical research, scientific studies, expeditions of local traditions, literary analyzes, novels, short stories, plays, genealogical research are devoted.

In this unfathomable story we meet kings, princes, emperors, khans, Mamluks, Karachay archers, guards, warlords, priests, magicians, monks, gunsmiths, magnates, builders, inventors, benefactors, thieves, scientists, tyrants, musicians, writers, actors. From the Asian steppes, through the Rurikoviches and the Romanovs, to Bulgaria …

The most mysterious personalities of this ancient genre are

brothers Ivan and Andrey Batashovi.

This is how contemporaries describe the two brothers:

“Ivan had a strong character, an observant mind, common sense, he was human and friendly. He handled everything, regardless of the difficulties. He sponsored science and art and loved peace and quiet more.

“Andrei was a man with a remarkable mind and an unbreakable will, he was not afraid of anything and did not stop at anything. He was one of the first Russian chemists, inventor and builder, a favorite of Catherine II and Prince Potemkin-Tauride. He steadfastly pursued his goal without thinking about the media. He needed power, and you took it, he needed millions, and he got it. Passionate and unbridled, he recognized neither laws nor rules.

These are the founders of the Russian military and metallurgical industry; the gunsmiths, who for 5 centuries supplied the imperial army with cannons, projectiles, rifles, anchors; the people without whom the Russian Black Sea Fleet would not exist; cast iron producers of the highest quality in Europe; the founders of 15 arms factories in Tula, Kaluga, Ryazan, Tambov, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Viksa, Gus-Zhelezny. And let’s not forget the 26 samovar factories …

Bandits …

Due to Andrei’s irresistible character, sinister legends and unsolved secrets loom over the two brothers …

“Eagle’s Nest” was the name of his mansion. It was framed by a 7-meter-high wall, with towers and loopholes, between the fortress walls there was a huge palace, an artificial lake (9 km in diameter!), More than 20 greenhouses, a spectacular amphitheater, a park with exotic plants and birds.

Andrew built an “Eagle’s Nest” on the border between two provinces and half of the estate was part of the Ryazan province and the other half of Vladimir. Thus, Andrei skillfully dodged the control of both administrations and, mainly, of unwanted visitors such as prosecutors, investigators and prosecutors. ..

According to rumors, many people disappeared without a trace – a nuisance arrived, Andrew entertained him abundantly, and knew how to entertain, then he took him around his estates, he went to the right tower, there he pressed some secret lever, the floor opened under his feet from the unwanted guest and flew into the abyss …

When Andrew was in a good mood, he was kind. Once a prosecutor was sent for inspection, who placed him in a wonderful room, and the prosecutor found on the table a fruit bowl with fruit, a thick envelope with money, and a letter. The letter said: “Eat the fruit, take the money and wash if you like life” …

… Or benefactors

Indeed, Andrew had an irresistible temperament and an inflexible character, he was omnipotent and powerful, he was an exceptional inventor and builder, he invented an incredible pumping system for his time, which “converted” 10 times the same water in foundries. In fact, his knowledge of chemistry surpassed the scientific luminaries. And he rounded up the 800 angry bandits, proclaimed them hunters, and made them his personal guard. They, of course, continued to go mad, but already on the orders of Andrei Batashov.

The huge park with the “Peacock Pavilion”, the “Pavilion of Lovers” and a huge filigree wrought iron harp was so amazing, this harp was so ethereal that the wind blew on it even with the slightest breeze.

Every summer, the best theater companies from Moscow and St. Petersburg visited the Eagle’s Nest and performed in the imposing amphitheater.

In the endless greenhouses, Andrew grew pineapples, oranges and lemons and sent them to the majestic Empress Catherine II and His Royal Highness the Prince and Field Marshal Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavricheski. Thus, he won favor and patronage, as well as Admiralty orders for the Black Sea Fleet team, from ships to anchors.
The Batashov brothers were magnates and patrons. In addition to the 15 arms factories, Andrew built dozens of lavish Orthodox churches and monasteries, a Gothic cathedral, libraries and theaters; to his more than 3,000 workers he built houses, a whole neighborhood, in addition to several free sanatoriums, in addition to free schools for the children of the workers, including a secondary school and a cadet school, and for the children of mortals to study and free yourself from the misery of your sad existence.
The Batashov brothers were not only involved in the construction and financing of the Bolshoi Theater, but also in the Apollo chariot on the front of the theater (sculptor Peter Klodt). Together with the architect Ivan Beauvais and the sculptor Ivan Vitali they made the Arch of Triumph in Moscow, erected in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War in 1812.

Amazing are the six horses hitched to a real chariot, which is made in such a way that it can move. The Batashov brothers are also the masters of Moscow fountains. The Batashov factories made the openwork fences, gates, and gates for almost every historic building in Moscow; and the unique spiral staircase in the Stroganov Church in Nizhny Novgorod and in the Moscow Kremlin Arsenal. A true masterpiece of metal sculpture is the eagle copy of the Last Supper, which is kept in the Wicks museum.

Add to all this the Shipka cannons.

These cannons, which have won the freedom of Bulgaria,

they were produced in the factories of the Batashov brothers.

The cannons of the monument at Shipka Peak are manufactured in the foundries of the Batashov brothers.

The cannons of the monument at Shipka Peak are manufactured in the foundries of the Batashov brothers.

One of the most notable architectural monuments is the Batashov Palace in Moscow, a masterpiece of Russian classicism. It was built by Ivan in 1799 (the same year Andrei died at the age of 75) on Taganski Hill, on Yauzka Street. In 1812, Marshal Joachim Murat and the King of Naples converted the palace into a residence and this saved the building from the fire that burned Moscow during Napoleon’s retreat. Murat violated the order of his emperor and did not blow up the palace.

It is remarkable that the Russian and French soldiers guarded it together. And something even more remarkable: the whole family of Ivan Batashov was in the mansion and no one was injured. If I don’t count the dry cellar, of course. The Decembrists would meet here a little later, and from 1834 to 1836 Alexander Pushkin would live in the palace. The Batashovi Palace will become a hospital and a department of the GPU. Even today, the Batashov Palace is a 23rd hospital in Moscow. It is located between the Taganka Theater, the Vladimir Vysotsky Museum and the courtyard of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

Who are the Batashov brothers after all?

Bandits, bandits, cold-blooded villains, monsters, tyrants, omnipotent despots, sponsored by the Empress?
Or benefactors, builders, discoverers, inventors, scientists, gentlemen, protectors of the poor, the progenitors of Russian metallurgy and the arms industry?

Or an absurd and impossible mix between Count Dracula and Robin Hood?
There is a gap between the historical and mythical Batashov brothers. According to most historians, the brothers deliberately produced a series of grim myths to keep everyone in fear and obedience, from servants to rivals. For writers, however, Dracula is more inspiring than Robin Hood …

But! There is an exception. The novel “Dubrovsky”. Author – Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin .. No matter how much they call “Dubrovsky” the first Russian bandit novel, it is actually psychological. And if anyone has discovered the Batashov brothers, it is Pushkin’s genius …

(Excerpt from the book “With love in the soul”)
