Nurses in Svishtov were hospitalized without being infected with COVID-19


Nurses at Svishtov Hospital were hospitalized the same day without being infected with COVID-19. The direction of the medical institution determined this act of sabotage. The Danube City Hospital was once saved thanks to the participation of doctors and specialists. Now the situation is unstable again.

Nine nurses from the Svishtov hospital have been hospitalized since December 1.

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“They delivered their sick leave together, which is a stressful situation, because in this way they exposed the main core of the hospital, which treats KOVID patients,” said Svishtov Mayor Gencho Genchev.

For this reason, the mayor of the city, who contracted a coronavirus, re-entered the covid, the neighborhood as a volunteer. Gencho Genchev was surprised by this action of the nurses, who presented the same diagnosis: an acute viral infection.

“There is no way they can have KOVID as this is officially taken by RHI organisms, they are present in their systems with proven PCR tests,” he added.

Therefore, after the Ministry of Health already solved the problem, the shortage of doctors in Svishtov hospital is now short of medical personnel. The other sisters’ schedules were constantly changing.

“I am going to compensate these nine patients with the other nurses, who are seven, and I thank them very much for being with us. I also get involved and take turns in the wards, which are exposed, ”says Vanya Lambeva, head nurse at Svishtov Hospital.

Our team contacted one of the nurses by phone who was surprisingly hospitalized. Polina Kostova denied any sabotage on her part.

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“We don’t go to the hospitals in an organized way and I don’t want to comment further. If I want to say something, it will be next week after Monday. I have bronchitis. Acute bronchitis, “said Polina Kostova, nurse.

The hospital management assured that they had done everything possible to motivate the nurses.

“They are motivated. With an additional BGN 1,000 by order of the manager. The hours that are out of hours are paid extra. Consequently, there is compensation for this work,” explained Vanya Lambeva, head nurse at Svishtov Hospital.

Therefore, a busy nurse in Svishtov may have reached a salary of around BGN 3,000. A nurse-in-training has already responded to the hospital’s call for additional medical staff.

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