The head of the Kresna Stoichko Kalauzki police station was disciplinary dismissed by order of the director of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior in Blagoevgrad, Commissioner Doychin Doichinov. The most severe punishment was imposed after a disciplinary inspection initiated in relation to the violation of the Road Traffic Law of the police chief, announced Struma.bg.
In July, the traffic police saw Kalauzki driving his Honda car without the mandatory liability insurance, which expired about nine months ago, for which he was officially discharged.

According to the composition of the disciplinary commission, with these actions Stoichko Kalauzki violated the Code of Ethics, placing himself above the law, which is morally reprehensible. It also hurt the prestige of the service, as the case became public, sparking public outrage in the form of comments on the sites.
Stoichko Kalauzki’s dismissal order was issued on November 25 and on Tuesday he filed an appeal with the Administrative Court.
Just a few months ago, two cases were heard in the same court on appeals by the former Kresna police chief against previous disciplinary sanctions. Stoichko Kalauzki challenged the reprimand imposed on him by order of the director of the DO of the Interior Ministry – Blagoevgrad Doychin Doichinov of January 21, 2020. He was sentenced to one year with a “reprimand” for three violations established by a commission that inspected him . The violations they found were that, as head of the Migration Service, he had not instructed the officers before a specialized police operation, that he had involved another policeman in the operation instead of his colleague that had been planned, and that he had not took steps to ensure that for 5 years an employee left work half an hour earlier, at 5 pm instead of 5:30 pm.
In the course of the case, it became clear that Stoichko Kalauzki had demanded the dismissal of the disciplinary commission four times for his biased attitude, alleging that he had been discriminated against, repressed and humiliated. Police officers from the Migration group were questioned as witnesses, claiming that they had been given an oral report. When analyzing the evidence, the judge in the case considers that it is not clear under what specific circumstances the aforementioned violations were committed. The first two are alleged to violate an order of the Minister of the Interior and, in fact, the order was signed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior.
According to the judge, the three disciplinary infractions imposed are not particularly serious, nor have there been any harmful consequences for anyone, which is why the “warning” imposed has been revoked. The decision was final and unappealable.
However, another panel of the Administrative Court confirmed a 6-month disciplinary sanction imposed on Stoichko Kalauzki by the police director for a standard application form filled out by foreigners for permanent or long-term residence in the country, which was in A3 format. instead of A4. . The order of the director of DO of the Ministry of the Interior – Blagoevgrad of December 6, 2019 has been confirmed.
Stoichko Kalauzki was appointed head of the Kresna Police Department in March 2020, and Zornitsa Papucharova became acting head of the Migration Group at that time. Kalauzki has more than 24 years of experience in the Ministry of the Interior, having worked in various services: RZBOP and “Economic Police”.