Neshka Robeva attacks Iliana Raeva and the federation: you have no heads, stupid decision


Legendary coach Neshka Robeva attacked the Bulgarian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics and President Iliana Raeva after the European Championships in Kiev. She is affected by what happened to our outfit, which was suspended due to a positive test for coronavirus among the girls.

Neshka wrote word for word on her Facebook account:

The European Championship – Ukraine 2020 has passed.

A championship absolutely different from any we have seen… A championship during which the world freezes in anticipation… Distrust… Horror. Some believe – others – no … The disease seems to be playing with us …

Schools, closed theaters, crowded hospitals …

They canceled the Olympic, world and European championships in various sports.

And just then the management of SEE decided to hold the rhythmic gymnastics championship. And in Kiev… We can only congratulate the leaders of the SEE and the organizers of the championship in Ukraine. Maintaining this race required a strong move. People need precisely that: a demonstration of the strength of the spirit, overcoming fear, struggle and victory … Victory of youth over fear … Life to go … Congratulate all participants, congratulate winners. Congratulations to our kids and coaches: Little Sweet Styles and Eva … Boryana.

Without the leaders, I’ll clarify why.

I don’t think you have to be very smart, much less resourceful, to predict that victory will be for those who manage to stay healthy and participate.

I think our team would be the undisputed leader.
Why not participate?

Because it is run by people who have a mouth but no head. To my question: “How did you infect the team a month before the race?” / The father of one of the competitors had transmitted the infection to me. / And then I heard an amazing response: “And what do you want, that children do not see their parents?” The children?! Those who have left their families to compete and whose objective is clear: preparation, participation, fight and victory in competitions. An activity that is too expensive and paid in the context of the general misery that reigns in the country… Children between 17, 20 and over? In the middle of the pandemic to see his father? One month before the European? That sounds silly to idiocy. In the future history of this sport in the section “Well, there is no such animal” it will be written in gold letters “One saw his father, another four and Bulgaria did not see the gold medals, because they did not see the European”.

Did Catherine Taseva suffer a lot this year ?! Who allowed it? He seemed to take the crown out of the basket of lies and put it where it shouldn’t be. Two months ago we read and heard about the “heroism” of Catherine and Volozhanin with such serious injuries, how do they play and selflessly defend the name of the Iliana-Levski Club? Injured, with pain in the lower back, legs in the head and everywhere, but they won the title of favorite / right / club. Lachezara Pekova and Nevyana Vladinova were injured / I doubt that any of them /, but we never offered them to participate for Levski. They had much more important performances ahead of them, they were national athletes …

Two questions:

1. Why so many injuries BUT with so much recovery, massages, rehabilitation vacations at sea, high altitude entry into the training period… And with so little training and workload. Isn’t it time to find the cause?

2. Who is responsible and who will bear the consequences of the non-participation of a group of women?

3. Who has admitted and who will be responsible for making a club competition a priority for national athletes?
It is time for someone to be accountable to their peers, parents, fans and the ministry, admitting their mistakes, because otherwise we will decide that God does not love the brave, but for a while he looks at the arrogant.

Well, to me, like Neshka Robeva, who is 74 years old, but still safe from old age, dementia will hint, I will only hint, by a question that I promise that if no action is taken to correct the situation, I will develop in details …

Four years ago, when I. Raeva declared in the General Assembly that the biggest mistake was that he allowed N. Vladinova and K. Taseva to prepare in a decentralized way in “Gerena”, I said very excited that taking them to “Rakovski”, they will fail.

Nevyana, who under the expert guidance of Rakovski’s ков .., regardless of whom, had bottomed out with her 20th place, tied at Gerena, won the only quota for Bulgaria / individual / and 7th place in the Olympics …

I might be wrong ?! I hear every day (but I don’t understand) that his success, as well as his career, thanks to centralized training, were incredible ?! Not to mention Catherine … I was wrong, they weren’t preparing for a competition and champions, they were preparing for leaders … Most pay to study, others pay to study ?! …

I am not a prophetess, but in the presence of elementary mental activity, one must think, anticipate, judge and change some things. And stop chattering, because we’re really going to stop crying and start laughing.

I said and stayed behind my words. But I said very little.

Especially after the strong slaps that K. Dunavska and M. Vasileva slapped in front of all of Europe from those who expelled them from their homeland …

I will write because they deserve it. And they deserve to be apart. And they deserve a special place that they have had in my heart for a long time….

I will also write about “The Macedonian” – Reichi, because “The warrior himself is a warrior”.
“Truth is useful to whoever tells it and harmful to whoever tells it” – Blaise Pascal

Hurt! Although…
