Did Bulgarians take COVID-10 seriously and get used to restrictive measures? – politics


The Bulgarians are more sympathetic to the tightening of the measures, although some confusion persists. This was commented by sociologist Parvan Simeonov of Gallup International.

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“Society seems to be beginning to get used to these kinds of measures,” he said, adding that in the summer people were against it, but in the fall they were inclined to approve new measures.

Simeonov explained to bTV that the change in opinion of Bulgarians may be due to the increase in morbidity in our country. Observing what was happening in the world, people here were inclined to accept the tightening of the measures. The sociologist pointed out that there is serious public uncertainty.

“Once there is fear of a pandemic and fear of what is coming,” Simeonov emphasized.

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“People don’t know what to expect. The uncertainty is serious. There are some serious financial problems. 21% will tell you that they know people with mental health problems caused by the coronavirus. Anxiety means illness itself or trigger of illness So the hit of the crisis. ” it’s twofold, “he explained.

Parvan Simeonov said that Bulgarians have a “bad habit” of thinking that things happen only with us. However, the situation in our country is not unique, he said. What Bulgarians feel about the virus or the vaccine, so do the moods abroad, said the sociologist.

First, Simeonov also said that there are people from the Mangarov camp and the Mutafchiiski camp in Bulgaria.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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