The Chinese defeated the coronavirus. How did they do it? – 【World News】 • Current information, topics and news


The discos are open, there are no restrictions on going out, the shops are full of customers. Statistically, the risk of infection in the most populous country in the world is minimal: official data report fewer than 10 new infections per day, which are recorded mainly in people who have returned with the virus from abroad.

China today

Apart from the mandatory measurement of the entrance temperature to restaurants, government institutions, banks and hospitals, everything else seems like a completely normal way of life: shopping malls, restaurants and gyms are working again, schools and universities are full of students .

At restaurant entrances, visitors must display callouts. health code. It is generated by a special application that organizes the risk of infection into three categories: green, yellow and red code. Since the beginning of the pandemic, this code has been used throughout China. Without the application in question and a low-risk green code for infection, moving to China is almost impossible. At the same time, the app gives authorities another opportunity to monitor who is walking, when and where.

If, despite all this, more new infections are registered somewhere, this immediately leads to urgent measures: massive tests of hundreds of thousands and even millions of people in a few days, and the cities in question are cut off from the rest of the world. country.

In a dictatorship like China, all this is possible

Massive tests and strict monitoring of contagion chains: these are the main tools of the Chinese authorities in the fight against the coronavirus. And in the implementation of these measures, no money, effort or personnel are spared. To this must be added the country’s well-protected borders, which are practically completely closed.

It is also essential that in a dictatorship like China, personal rights and freedoms and the protection of personal data play practically no role. The authorities create digital profiles of everyone, use data from video surveillance cameras and are not required to comply with the principles of the rule of law. And unlike Europe, there is no public debate in China, neither about the measures imposed nor about the roots of the pandemic.

Author: Stefan Wurzel (ARD)

