NSO rebutted Borissov: We are checking all of them before handing them over to Prime Minister – Bulgaria


The NGO emphasizes that they do not allow unverified people on the sites they guard.

© Tsvetelina Belutova, Capital

The NGO emphasizes that they do not allow unverified people on the sites they guard.

Unverified persons are not allowed on sites guarded by the National Security Service (NSS). However, they are checked for generally dangerous objects and substances, and they do not include gold bars or euro banknotes. This is understood by the service’s responses to the questions asked by “Dnevnik” on Monday, which practically refute the explanations with which Borisov is trying to get away from the issue of money in his bedroom.

The reason is the responses of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in his interview with the German edition “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”: “Never in all the years that a lady has visited me have the guards searched and checked her purse”.

The NSO recalls that in relation to the photos and videos leaked in the public space, which were supposedly taken in the government village “Sequoia”, in June 2020 by order of the head of the NSO an official inspection was ordered. “It was completed on time and did not identify gaps in the application of the inspection procedures or in the safety of the protected person. All inspection documentation was requested and sent to the Sofia District Prosecutor’s Office,” Dnevnik wrote in a reply.

“In the performance of its main functions and activities (Chapter Four of the ZNSO), the National Security Service conducts inspections for generally dangerous means and substances that are related to the safety of people and protected sites,” said the service.

However, gold bars and wads of 50 euro bills
not in the category “general dangerous substances and substances”

(such as weapons or explosives) and would not endanger Borissov’s life and health. Because of this, it was probably not a problem to take them to any of the buildings guarded by the NSO, both by Borisov himself and by someone who visited him.

“The scope, methods and means to carry out inspections of people who have access to protected persons and objects are classified information and as such the protected person is not obliged to know them,” the service said, apparently trying to explain why. the prime minister is not required to know exactly how the NSO conducts inspections.

“Exceptions to inspections of hazardous substances and substances in general are not allowed,” the service said. In practice, this means that

all the people who visit Borisov at the residence,
were monitored, including their family and friends

In the interview there is a question “So you say that a woman with whom you had an affair brought this to your house?”, And the Prime Minister’s response is: (Borisov stands up, takes the bag from the boss who is sitting next to him in his office.) Look at this bag: there is enough room inside to collect gold bars and wads of money. And then the lady calls me and says: It is. I’m waiting for you. “I tell her:” Wait, I’m still interviewing, I’ll be there in 15 minutes. “. The guards have ordered her into their home and now she knows she has 15 minutes to not be disturbed there. Then he puts the money and gold in my locker, goes out and starts taking pictures with his cell phone, and goes back to my room. Like Mata Hari “.

The prime minister even told foreign media that “a beautiful woman can easily overcome my protection. “

Photos of Borissov's room were distributed anonymously to the media in June, and prosecutors have yet to establish whether the images are authentic and who took the photo at the government residence.

© Diary

Photos of Borissov’s room were anonymously distributed to the media in June, and prosecutors have yet to establish whether the images are authentic and who took the photo at the government residence.

“The places of residence of persons protected by the NSO Act for housing needs represent their personal space. The National Security Service is not concerned with matters relating to the personal sphere of any protected person,” wrote the NSO in response to the question. from “Dnevnik” if there are special rooms in which people wait to be received or if they have the opportunity after inspection by the guards to freely reach all rooms in the building.

“The scope, methods and means of security are determined based on the degree of threat and risks to the security of the protected person at any time,” the service said when asked if there was a change in security measures after the photos of the prime minister’s bedroom. security.

Dnevnik also directed a series of questions to the prosecutor’s office regarding the inspection, but no responses were received by the end of the working day yesterday (November 30). Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev last spoke on the issue during his hearing before parliament, but said nothing about the merits of the investigation, only that it was not over. The prosecution recently announced that expert examinations of the photos and video had been appointed, which were not ready in August. There is no official information on whether a study result already exists and what it shows.

Audio recordings, photos and videos were sent anonymously to the media in June and July. There is no official confirmation that they were made by the same person and sent by him. The images showed a pistol, gold bars and wads of 500 euro bills on his nightstand. To defend himself then, Borissov called a press conference with the entire GERB behind him and, while convincing the audience that it was a compromising matter, suggested that an executive committee of the GERB had met at his residence some time ago; it is possible that someone directed the footage.

Borissov later announced that the images were taken by a “beautiful lady” sent by President Radev. He thus confirmed the initial assumptions that he knew very well who had ever photographed and / or recorded. With the last interview, Borisov again does not deny the authenticity and with his words he confirms that he knows or admits who the lady he photographed in his bedroom is. Although it is not clear if it is one or more women.

More on the topic of Mata Hari and the bedroom photos, read here.
What is known about video, photos and camera – here.
Borissov’s explanations to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – here.
