Prof. Momekov: Bulgarians want to take COVID-19 pills and then behave like idiots – Diseases


COVID-19 takes place in several phases. The different treatments intervene in different phases. When oxygen was needed, the need for corticosteroids was identified. This was stated by the pharmacist Prof. Georgi Momekov on the BTV program “Face to Face”.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 15984

WHO is a very important organization. It does not have a regulatory function and cannot dictate what to apply to regulators, he said.

The benefit of Remdesivir is that it shortens hospital stays, which is very helpful. However, it is not a panacea, explained Professor Momekov.

Ivermectin has saved many people from blindness in the tropics. It is used to treat skin parasites such as scabies. There are countries where this blindness has been eradicated thanks to this drug. There is no official authorization for its use in Bulgaria. If it is not necessary not to use it, Professor Georgi Momekov recommended it.

Regarding hydroxychloroquine, the pharmacist said there was no benefit from this therapy.

He commented on the Pfizer vaccine and the fact that it requires storage down to -80 degrees. “This is something new. Most of the vaccines on the market are based on protein fragments. This new vaccine contains the RNA protein of the virus that our body will read. This is a new type of vaccine that has not yet been put into use. Many are currently in process. Large-scale studies of the third phase of trials. We will know more about the vaccine when it actually appears, “explained Prof. Georgi Momekov.

The Minister of Health announced when the Pfizer vaccine will arrive in Bulgaria

“Some antibiotics have benefits in infection. The purpose of antibiotics in COVID-19 is to suppress a bacterial infection. Low-dose aspirin prevents blood clots. In this viral disease, it is difficult to assess the benefit. It can be done. take prophylactically. “But there is a risk of bleeding, so we have to make sure that the patient does not have an ulcer, for example,” he explained.

People in Bulgaria want to take pills and then act like idiots. Let’s be sensible, he urged.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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