Bozhkov: Boyko Borissov once again admitted his involvement in the destruction of the state – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


With the answers in his only interview for half a year, BMB (brother Boyko Borisov refers) once again admitted his involvement in the destruction of the state. He admitted that he and his accomplices had trampled on the Constitution, destroying my companies. “The accused businessman Vasil Bozhkov wrote on the social network Facebook. With this post, the businessman in exile sent another message from Dubai, and this time it was directed to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and in particular to his interview with German media published yesterday.

“Currently, genocide is being committed against Bulgarians. Health and education have been destroyed. Culture and sports too. Business is in a coma. The air is poisonous. There is no water. The price of this disgrace and humiliation for Bulgaria will be paid. It is not history that should judge those responsible for the Third National Catastrophe, but us, ” Bozhkov wrote on Facebook.

United Arab Emirates
