Kostadin Angelov: 125,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine will arrive in Bulgaria around the New Year


A national vaccination plan is being prepared. This became clear during a working meeting of the Council of Ministers. It was emphasized that the vaccines are voluntary and free for Bulgarian citizens and that launching with risk groups and front-line workers is being considered.

“We are making progress in terms of logistics. According to preliminary data, the first vaccine that we expect to arrive in Bulgaria is the one from Pfizer, probably before the New Year or immediately afterwards. 125,000 doses will arrive first of this vaccine”, specified the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

It was also clear from the meeting that Sofia is leaving the districts with the highest morbidity, and last week more than 12,000 people were cured of COVID-19. The Prime Minister insisted that the necessary medicines and protective clothing be provided to medical establishments.

The Health Minister added that the 1,000 BGN owed to all front-line medical specialists will be ordered today and will be in their accounts. This includes Pomorie’s doctors, who complained about their low wages for October, despite working on the COVID ward.

“I don’t want to hear that there are problems with paying front-line medical workers, with medicines and protective clothing, and with preparation for vaccines,” Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said.

The Minister of Health also highlighted that after the introduction of the expanded anti-epidemic measures, last week, for 7 days, 12,070 were cured. Angelov said that Sofia is leaving the areas with the highest morbidity, 1,000 cases per 100,000 and in this The group left only two districts: Gabrovo and Kyustendil. There is also a reduction in pressure on the health system.

Economy Minister Lachezar Borisov emphasized a new business support measure, to be announced this week.

“We use an innovative approach: for the first time in the procedure, we will include the NRA, to achieve maximum speed and response to business expectations,” Borissov said.

He clarified that the support will be as a percentage of the turnover, which will be specified with the business organizations for the sectors affected by the anti-epidemic measures.

“We hope that the process is quick. Within a week to present documents and within a similar period to respond with funds from the National Revenue Agency, which will later be reimbursed by OPIC, ”said the Minister of Economy.

Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev stressed that the plan will cover all companies that are closed as a result of the restrictive measures. The support application process will be entirely electronically through a special module through the UMIS system, which will facilitate the process as much as possible.

During the working meeting, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Denitsa Sacheva, reported that today the “Keep me” measure begins, and that all other government measures in support of companies and citizens are also in force.

“Employers can combine the new measure with other benefits:” 60 out of 40 “or” 80 out of 20, “if they are from the hotel and restaurant, tourism and transportation sector,” Sacheva said.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, noted that, according to industry information, Bulgarian tourism is stable. Workers in the sector have been informed that the anti-epidemic measures introduced on November 27 will only work if we are all disciplined and comply with the regulations of the health authorities.

“We will be inflexible on violations. Our goal is to subsequently achieve levels that allow mitigating the measures,” added Nikolova.

The Minister of the Interior, Hristo Terziiski, reports that from March 13 until yesterday in relation to the implementation of the control over the implementation of the orders of the Minister of Health, the process prior to the trial initiated is 3180.
