How do you want to live an hour? – Opinions, accents and comments on hot topics


ACTS Post opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive discussion.

Shortly before the pandemic, I was at a table with a large company in a restaurant on Oborishte Street. The organizer of the dinner took me to a well-known surgeon who had been practicing in France for some time. Realizing that I lived in Paris, my neighbor smugly said, “I don’t understand these young doctors who went to France. I earn a lot more here than my colleagues in Paris!” For me it was no secret that some earn a lot and others less. Frankly, in 50 years or more of living in France, I have never heard a doctor brag about how much he earns. I also learned of the “accidental” operations in Bulgaria, which the patient does not need.

For the “Health Paths”, which dumped the sick with still bleeding wounds on the streets and private clinics with Swiss price lists. The catastrophe of the healthcare system was predictable even when Ivan Kostov decided that hospitals would become “commercial enterprises.” Life expectancy is the most sought after commodity, the most profitable investment, and the safest profit. “That is how it was in the United States,” explained the Commander’s advisers and his followers. None of the instructors of capitalism in Bulgaria noticed that “we” have as much in common with the United States as the Statue of Liberty and the Statue of Sofia.

There really are huge profit opportunities in America. Currently less than before, but there are still gaps. There you become a billionaire in a minimum of time with “Cryptocurrency”, you also quickly become a “spirit” before eating the money. You can manage a bank and break it at the same time. Caught in the bag with your hand, you go behind bars for 150 years. Even before you betray your memories, the guards find them hanging. This is America. There are opportunities, but they pass through your fingers if you step on an onion. The cruelty of the “pendulum” operating in the US domestic market is increasingly pushing entrepreneurs out of the country.

The COVID-19 virus pandemic could not put American laboratories idle. One of them, GILEAD, obtained a turnover of $ 22 billion in 2020 from the sale of the drug Remdesivir. This result is due to the aggressive marketing policy of the California laboratory, with no proven medical results. Despite the lack of one, the European Medicines Agency has signed a contract with GILEAD for the distribution of Remdesivir in the Old Continent.

Why the members of the European agency put the “wolf in the fold” after the World Health Organization at the UN, conducted tests in 40 countries and set the effect of the American drug at zero, is a question of the future . French journalist Liz Berneud asked this in a poll published by Le Monde. How can you spread a proven ineffective drug that misleads those infected with the virus and markets their hope? A group of journalists from different countries participated in this survey. Among them is the Bulgarian writer and playwright Hristo Boychev. Some of the figures cited in the survey coincide with those published by Free Europe.

The state agency “Bul Bio – NCIPD” buys one dose of Remdesivir for BGN 675 and it is sold for BGN 810. The difference between “Free Europe” and Le Monde is the conclusion between the two editions. The French survey highlights the huge amount of more than 11 million dollars spent by the poorest country in Europe, which records the highest mortality from coronavirus! This commercial success of the American laboratory places Bulgaria in the first place among buyers of Remdesivir in Europe, while the wealthy France and Luxembourg are in last place because they have not bought a single dose of the untested drug.

In general, medical workers and drug production laboratories prolong human life. They feed the hope in the patient’s mind “that I will still feel the pleasant tingle, that I am still alive, that I will still be.” It is this “tick” that is more profitable than a gold mine. Unchecked by state “antibodies,” it can become deadly.
