Tsvetanov to his former party members: under pressure from Borisov, the country is about to make a big mistake – Politics


Tsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan Genchev Tsvetanov was born on April 8, 1965 in Sofia. In 1987 Tsvetanov started working wrote an open letter to former members of his party. In it, he warned them that they were about to make a serious mistake when approving the 2021 Budget, which will be discussed today in plenary session. Tsvetanov insists Boyko Borissov influence GERB deputiesBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959and make the right decision.

We publish the complete letter without editorial intervention:

It has been a long time since I left the National Assembly and the GERB party parliamentary group. I had the opportunity to observe the development of political processes from the outside, which gave me the privilege of seeing things from a different angle, noticing mistakes more clearly and discovering new opportunities more easily. My life has passed in such a way that now I am the president of another center-right formation. Republicans for Bulgaria was created by people like me who are willing to invest all their energy in defending Euro-Atlantic values ​​and protecting the national interests of the country.

I dare to address you, because at the time we were working together, the GERB parliamentary group was made up mainly of responsible and reasonable people, of patriots. Together we hold Bulgaria in our hearts and together we try to make the best decisions for its future. I am proud that we have never allowed the National Assembly to adopt a law that harms the interests of Bulgarian citizens.

Today, however, I am forced to admit that under pressure from Prime Minister Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959, our country is about to make a big mistake, and the National Assembly is the only body that can prevent it.

The mistake is next year’s budget. It is extremely unreasonable and if adopted in this way, it would permanently damage the financial stability of Bulgaria. Too much is spent, and the distribution of so many billions, which are not insured with the corresponding income, is an irresponsible action that condemns our country to a series of years with severe budget deficits. In practice, this budget puts an end to the policy of strict financial discipline followed in the last 20 years in Bulgaria, which has proven its results.

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The proposed budget lacks vision. On the other hand, indiscriminate spending is excessive. Funds are allocated aimlessly. They do not aim to implement meaningful anti-crisis policies, or carry out much-needed and delayed structural reforms.

Your spending will not strengthen the health system, nor will it help the groups and strata most affected by COVID-19. The money will not reach companies or the people who need it.

It is very worrying that a party that is part of the EPP family is proposing such a budget. Because it is wrong: spending is its main characteristic, and spending is completely in the right direction. This is not a forward-looking budget that meets the needs of the country. The responsible center-right formations in the Euro-Atlantic space would never allow themselves to propose a financial framework of this type for the vote. To be sure, such a budget will only accomplish one thing: it will undermine the next government. The new cabinet will inherit large debts and a huge deficit. You’ll have to choose between three bad options: belt-tightening during a crisis, tax increases, or extra debt. Such a result may serve the current prime minister politically, but it is contrary to the interests of the Bulgarian citizens.

Deputies vote on Budget 2021

Like anyone with a pragmatic mind, I have always believed that the country’s finances should be used wisely and effectively, and that under no circumstances should they become a tool for clarifying political accounts. Long-term financial policy is much more important than short-term inter-party struggles. Of course, in times of crisis, budget deficits are acceptable. However, they must be limited and funds must be used for that purpose: for the implementation of crisis policies that will strengthen and support the development of the country. To date, strong support remains critical, especially for two sectors: healthcare and private enterprise.

In health, efforts should be made to strengthen the health system, and in particular the so-called ‘front line’ in the fight against COVID-19. The life and health of doctors is our highest priority, because the survival of all depends on it. We should not save money on life saving equipment and safety equipment. It is also imperative to dramatically increase the salaries of physicians and other medical personnel. The growth of the pandemic requires the financing of more and more activities related to the protection and preservation of the life of all risk groups of the population.

It is equally important to take effective measures to support the worst affected sectors of the economy. Many companies will not be able to survive and others will have to undergo a significant transformation. We need to offer easy access options for all of them. The former should have a quick option to start over in another business segment, and the latter should receive strong support to adapt to the new reality. In such a market situation, the funds actually spent in support of the economy are invaluable, because any preserved or newly built business means fewer unemployed and less pressure on the social system.

Distinguished Members of the GERB, today the situation is very different from when I was president of the party’s parliamentary group. True to my understanding of politics, I continue to travel the country and meet people in a relaxed and uncontrolled environment. I am talking to former and current GERB members and fans. The disappointment between them is visible. Some feel abandoned, others betrayed, and some sold out. They are unanimous that the party has taken the wrong path. In the next elections, GERB will not be left with the political resources it currently has. Many of you will not be elected to the next parliament. Everyone’s life, of course, is longer and much more important than the legislature. It is important how you will live after that and why you will be remembered, what legacy you will leave behind.

Now you have a chance. You are faced with an important decision. Whose interests will he protect, his voters or his leader?

You can support Borissov’s budget and with your vote put the country in a deep debt spiral in a series of new, even bigger budget deficits. In this way, you will observe the discipline of the party and will please the next decision of your leader, but you will betray your voters.

However, he can be accountable to his constituents and reject the project that ends Bulgaria’s financial stability. Although you will anger your leader.

If I were with you at the time, I would do the latter. Because I have already learned that life is longer than the term. I know a lot of people and I’m not ashamed to look them in the eye. I wish you, after the budget vote, that you can do the same.

I wish you courage and hope that the statesman in each of you prevails!

Sincerely yours:

Tsvetan Tsvetanov
