Propose almost complete state lockdown (VIDEO)


They offer an almost complete shutdown of the state. The new measures were announced by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov. They will enter into force on Friday, subject to approval by the Council of Ministers.

40.29% of those analyzed during the day have coronavirus

The new measures include extending the declared state of emergency for 4 months, until March 2021, suspension of attendance in all universities, schools, kindergartens and nurseries. Suspension of all types of collective sporting events, seminars, competitions and other entertainment events, including private celebrations.

“We cannot afford to lose people’s lives. Now is the time to keep our distance while keeping our distance. I will not be the minister who will surrender his efforts. My mind and my heart tell me that we must take further action. Today I proposed them to you. to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria. I proposed that these measures come into effect on Friday, they will be discussed in the Council of Ministers, “said the Minister of Health. The Council of Ministers will also discuss whether to impose stricter measures on entry into the country of countries from the EU and third countries.

It is also proposed to extend the ban on visits to restaurants, bars, clubs. Suspend the operation of food and entertainment establishments, restaurants, fast food establishments, entertainment and games rooms, and beverage establishments. The same can be delivered only at home. Stop the operation of all non-food retail outlets, including shopping malls, with the exception of pharmacies, drug stores, postal service providers, banks, insurers.

The new measures also propose the cessation of internal and external excursions. Public transportation is not restricted.

Borissov and the National Operational Headquarters held an extraordinary meeting

“We are not imposing a blockade, we believe that together we will impose it. In this way, each of you will become a doctor and a nurse. So you too will become heroes in your homes. It is time to come together in the name of life. Even if we think differently, even if we are afraid of our income, we are obliged to make this effort to support our compatriots. Because only living and healthy people can build a country, in any crisis, “said Professor Angelov. According to him, a few weeks of discipline will save thousands of lives.

The Health Minister assured that everything possible will be done at Christmas to weaken the measures. According to him, the measures should give results after at least 8 days. The expectations of the health authorities are that the situation improves in two weeks.

The Minister of Health was categorical: there will be no checkpoints in regional cities.

“This measure has proven ineffective over time, especially in the diffuse spread of the disease,” explained Professor Angelov.

Regarding “green corridors” for over 65s in stores, Professor Angelov explained that no consensus was reached on the issue. It will be changed again, it only remains for the morning, but exactly when it will be has not been discussed yet.

The Chief Inspector of Health of the State presented data on morbidity in the country. It exceeds 250 per 100,000 inhabitants in almost all the countries of Europe. 23,560 cases were registered last week in the country, an increase of 102%. Bulgaria ranks eleventh in morbidity in Europe. Serbia has surpassed our country in terms of mortality and North Macedonia in terms of morbidity, said Associate Professor Kunchev.

Directors of major hospitals in the capital said the pressure on doctors was enormous. The director of the Military Medical Academy, Gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski spoke about cases of reinfection in employees of the medical institution.

Earlier today, members of the Coronavirus National Operational Headquarters met with Prime Minister Boyko Borissova. During the meeting, the Minister of Health reported data on the development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria. The specific morbidity and mortality parameters in the country were discussed. The workload of the hospitals in our country was examined.


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