Maya Manolova: The chaos in the country is complete, people die because of it, not because of the virus


The chaos in the country is complete. This is what the leader of “Stand” Maya Manolova told bTV about the situation with the coronavirus in Bulgaria and another case of a deceased patient after wandering between hospitals.

According to her the authorities have allowed people to be saved individually.

People are already dying not only from the virus, but also from the chaos created by the government by completely wasting the window that the virus gave during the summer months, he stressed. According to her, nothing has been done to prepare the health system.

Manolova pointed out that, according to the Health Ministry, there are 26,000 empty beds in Bulgarian hospitals, with just over 6,000 occupied, but the problem was that administrative barriers were not removed to make the system flexible. According to her There are beds in addition to doctors, but they are not involved in the fight against the coronavirus.

Manolova noted that until recently, all prehospital care was completely excluded from fighting infection.

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We are also building roads in the pandemic, Borisov boasts to doctors

Europe’s first highway section ready ahead of schedule

Bulgaria currently has two cadres – the one in which people die at home or in front of hospitals because there are no doctors for them, and the second image in which BOrisov walks in a jeep with two doctors and explains to them that everything in the country is fine, showing them the railings., the leader of “Stand” commented on the situation. According to her, the government is unaware of the anguish of the situation.

He pointed out that before resorting to stricter measures, the authorities should have done what limits contagion with more focused actions.

Manolova emphasized that Bulgaria is the only country where PCR testing has been paid for and massive testing has not been done. According to her, the government has failed to reduce infection, provide medical care and prevent mortality.

Manolova noted that the per capita mortality rate Bulgaria is a black champion.

We are also building roads in the pandemic, Borisov boasts to doctors

We are also building roads in the pandemic, Borisov boasts to doctors

Europe’s first highway section ready ahead of schedule

The government must apologize for what is happening, because the rest of his days will not be measured by the roads, but by the loss of human life as a result of the chaos created, he was categorical.

According to her, if we listen to the government’s statements, it’s perfect, but it just didn’t happen to the people and the voters.

About Water and sewerage law Manolova said that while people are panicking over the coronavirus crisis, the government is writing laws against citizens that affect consumers. The law in question, according to her it will drastically increase the price of water, nationalizing the municipal water companies.

She explained that A new component appears in the price formation: the so-called “access” tariff. – to drinking water, a canal and a treatment plant. There will be two components to the price of water, such as The three “access” fees will be paid, whether or not water is consumed. Given that water has increased several hundred percent in the last four years, it is now more than unfair for consumers to increase its price in this way, objected Manolova.

Borissov: the crisis has ruined us

Borissov: the crisis has ruined us

The Prime Minister has the feeling that the pandemic has been in our lives not for months, but for years.

About quick loans and changes in the VAT Law he described what was happening as “monstrous”.

While people are concerned about their health, the government is invading their bread, Manolova said, saying that Bulgaria is a country with poor workers and miserable retirees, who necessarily resort to quick loans. According to her MPs have quietly adopted an amendment that gives quick loan companies the right to collect up to a 200% penalty for default. on the principal plus other charges.

She insisted that the default penalty was artificially created by fast loan companies.

For this reason, Manolova called on President Rumen Radev to veto the VAT law, as well as the text that empowers government officials who participate in the councils to receive bonuses.
