The UK is considering “COVID passports” for vaccinated people


The UK is considering introducing “COVID passports” for those who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, Sunday Times and BGNES report.

The measure will allow holders of the new document to move more freely in the country, as well as to make business trips, something that will be more difficult for those who refuse the vaccine.

The decision is expected to be announced in parliament tomorrow by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who will brief lawmakers on the end of the national lockdown in England on December 2, as well as the return to the system of local restrictions.

Expectations are that at the end of December, the government will allow the British to meet in small businesses, to celebrate Christmas. However, after that, strict measures will be returned and they will continue to operate until early spring, when mass vaccination of the population will be possible.

Britain again with over 22,000 COVID-19 cases

Britain again with over 22,000 COVID-19 cases

Despite austerity measures, the statistics remain worrying

More than 54,600 people have died from coronavirus on the island, the highest in Europe. The number of infected in the country is 1.49 million.

From mid-October to early November, a three-tiered restriction system was applied in England. In most of the country, the first level of threat due to the spread of the virus was in force, which foresaw the closure of bars and restaurants no later than 10 p.m. and prohibition of gathering groups of more than six people. Restrictions corresponding to the second level included a ban on many public events, as well as closed gatherings between people who do not live under one roof. The third level of threat meant the prohibition of meetings between people who did not live together.

In the end, the government recognized that the only way to prevent a sharp increase in mortality during the second wave of the pandemic is to introduce a new quarantine. She started in England on November 5. The leadership of the other administrative and political parts of Great Britain – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – alone determines the set of sanitary and epidemiological measures.

England quarantined as of today

England quarantined from today

On December 2, they are expected to announce what will happen next.

In England, restaurants, bars, restaurants, hairdressers and cinemas, sports clubs and shops are closed, except for those selling food and basic necessities. Meetings are allowed for no more than two people who do not live together, and only on the street.

Residents of England have the right to travel only to work or go to an educational institution, as well as to leave home to buy food and basic necessities, play sports or help others. The difference with the first quarantine is that Today kindergartens, schools, many universities, parliaments and courts continue to operate.

The British Parliament approved the 28-day quarantine

The British Parliament approved the 28-day quarantine

Labor awaits more information on the end of the blockade
